The "Assistant" 1: The Interview

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:Warnings for the story: Cursing, Sexual Content, Drinking, Kinks & Semi-Bondage, Threesomes & Foursomes On occasion, Trigger Warnings: Self confidence/conscious issues, Body image issues. Praise kinks, Semi-Public Sex, Past Abuse/Trauma triggers. More warnings and triggers will be posted as the story goes on so please keep an eye out for them. This is just for fun I do NOT own any photos or music used. The plot is my idea as are the names of the created characters. There will be a lot of SMUT involved in this book so please prepare for that. Not much of a surprise considering my account name now is it? But otherwise enjoy!!:

Apparently the boys needed a personal "assistant", But I wasn't aware of the last bit when I sent in my application.. I thought it was a good way to make money because they had posted it for everyone to see, I assumed it was just a normal job I would need to be vetted for because they're celebrities.. I didn't really expect what the women across the table was currently telling me about this job.. The details they left out when they requested people for hire.. And trust me.. They're BIG details! Like.. Huge the most important details ever and I was flushed red because of them.. "So, This job.. Has some other things you need to know" That is how she started right after our handshake and I sat down across from her at her desk "Such as?" I ask not at all knowing what she was about to drop onto me. "It is between you and two other possible hires, You however seem to be the best pick so far therefore we need you to have full disclosure incase you are chosen." She states with her hands folded casually on the desk and she is looking at my face to gauge my reaction to whatever she is about to say. Admittedly my heart starts to race a little bit with wonder and concern.. What else would I need to do? Other then handling the guys sensitive information and calendars? Waking them up? Reminders? What??

"You'll need to do regular things stated in the listing. But you'll also be required to manage there stress levels... This is where it gets tricky ma'am where a lot of people choose to leave, But basically? You'll be there to serve them, You are given option where you would prefer of course specially if you are someone of religion. But sexual servicing is what is typically required with keeping there stress levels low. Some want massages or baths, But mostly they will come to you for hand jobs and blow jobs. Sex if you were willing to offer you could pick anal not vaginal if you are a virgin" She explains and everything inside of me just drops. "Wait.. What? Sexual favors are required? Why wasn't that put into the listing?" I ask bewildered, But honestly not entirely turned off the job by this fact she took quick notice of that and offered a small smile. "Yes, That is part of the job. Unfortunately we cannot put that in the listing because it would reflect badly on the boys. You know they have girlfriends sometimes and we cannot have them or the public learning about what there assistant does for them stress wise of course. There aren't any strings attached. You can opt for hand jobs if you prefer and move up to any other sexual act as you see fit' She assures letting me know I have full control on how far I choose to go with them and I nod weakly my head was a bit dizzy from the information that was thrown at me and now I understood why they made me sign a waiver before the interview happened.."Okay, Here's the deal" I mutter still determined to get this job because it was a damn good paying job granted.. I wasn't intending to have sex with ANY of the boys.. It didn't hurt to.. Y'know jerk them off occasionally in my mind I figured they didn't need it unless they were working or away at shows.. Most stressful times I assumed. "I'll do hand jobs, I doubt I would do anything more, BUT if it comes to that.. Do I call you first?" I ask curiously and she shakes her head with a small smile "If you do more then a HJ the boys will text me afterwards so I can make sure you get the correct payment. Sexual acts.. Include more money because it can takes it toll on someone to please others and we'd be concerned for your health as well. You'll have routine check-ups because of this portion of the job." She explains I nod softly taking in everything that she's saying.. It should have felt wrong when she slid the paperwork toward me.. It was like a rule book that I needed to sign. I wasn't allowed to talk to anyone about what I did.. Friends and family included, IF I was to have another lover I needed to inform her but I wasn't allowed to tell him what I did with the boys. Thankfully I wasn't interested in a lover at the moment just saving up money to make my dreams come true, unfortunately money rules the world now doesn't it? I sign my name after reading through it all and slide the paperwork back to her. She smiles happily and accepts it "From now on, You'll live and travel with these boys. You'll handle the usual things an assistant would with the added bonus of stress relief. You and your things will be picked up tomorrow and moved into there home. I assure you the utmost safety is taken and you will be comfortable there, Your needs are met just as much as there's will be" She says and we both stand shaking hands to end things.

I leave the office building and inhale the fresh air "What the hell did I just get myself into?" I mutter softly to myself looking up at the darkening sky before looking at the paperwork in hand knowing I needed to read through all of this.. My expectations both normal and a bit unusual.. I was in for one hell of a ride wasn't I? I get into the waiting cab and look out the window as I head back to my apartment for the very last time.. I would have a new home tomorrow.. with four.. talented handsome and apparently needy guys..

The "Assistant" :A 5sos Fanfiction:Where stories live. Discover now