I Can't Tell You

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At the police station during questioning Detective Selwood was at a loss. Hours later Sarah still remained tight lipped and refused to give up any information.

"You do realize that having the last article of clothing the baby was reported wearing looks suspicious right?

"That I won't deny"

"I'm trying to understand why it was in your possession"

"It's a pretty common piece of baby clothing"

"You don't have any children, why would you need clothing for a baby?"

"I have other children in my life maybe"

"If we do a full forensic search of your home we are going to find evidence that Louise has been in your custody recently, why don't we stop running around in circles and you just tell me where she is now and you can walk away with bail or community service."

Sarah said nothing and just stared downward at the table.

"I am losing patience, I am going to give you one more chance, tell me you've done with Louise Alwyn or I will be declared in contempt of court and will be placed under arrest."

"I guess then you'll have to arrest me then" She said looking Det. Selwood directly in the eye.

Sarah was being so defiant that even the public defender she was assigned was at a loss at how to proceed. It wasn't every day that a client was fulling willing to go to prison rather than take bail in exchange for the smallest bit of assistance.

"Wait a second!" He interrupted, before turning to Sarah. "Are you crazy? Take a plea deal, tell them you'll help them as long as prison is off the table" he hissed.

"Maybe I deserve prison" Sarah shrugged. Det. Selwood sighed standing up. He was defeated that it had come to this.

"Stand up, hands behind your back, Sarah Jacobson you are under arrest for the kidnapping of Louise Alwyn, you have the right to remain silent..." He placed the handcuffs on her and led her out of the questioning room. Sarah continued to not say a word as she was led away.


I couldn't tell anyone what I had done, it would destroy too many lives, So I had to stay quiet. They put me in solitary at the prison because inmates don't take kindly to crimes against children. But what I did wasn't a crime in my eyes, I did what was best for Louise because of my love for her. And if it meant that I would spend the rest of my life in prison then so be it. I spent a lot of time thinking about her, it helped pass the time. Most days I didn't have visitors my mother and attorney would visit occasionally, mostly trying to get me to just confess and get it over with. They didn't understand, I couldn't do that. One afternoon a guard unlocked my cell door.

"You have a special visitor" she said gruffly, motioning me to raise my arms so she could cuff my arms.

"I already talked to my attorney this morning" I said confused.

"This ain't your attorney, and you have better behave yourself, I am warning you. She led me out of the cell and down to a private room. I was taken aback by the figure sitting at the table opposite me.

"Remember what I said, behave" The guard said chaining my legs to the table. For the first time since this ordeal began I was afraid.

"Sarah..." Taylor's voice pierced my conscience, when I looked up I almost broke down. Taylor sat opposite me. Beautiful as always but appeared so much more frail then I remembered. Her eyes were hallowed with a sad pull on them.

"I just want to talk to you" she started. "I thought maybe if I talked to you as a friend then you'd help me."

I couldn't look at her in the eyes, there was no way she could ever understand why what I did was the best thing for everyone.

"I'm not here to hurt you or threaten you. I just want to ask... if you have any respect for me at all, please tell me where Louise is." She said quietly. I didn't respond and kept looking downward refusing to meet her eyes.

"Sarah please... I am begging you tell me where my baby is" Taylor's voice wavered with emotion. She reached across the table attempting to grab my hand.

"Hey no touching the inmate!" The guard called out sharply. Taylor retreated her hand as ordered. A heavy silence settled on the room, as I still remained silent.

"Can you just tell me this then If you won't say anything else... Is Louise alive?"

I finally got the courage to look Taylor in her eyes, those beautiful blue eyes once so joyful and lively were now filled with sorrow.

"I'm sorry..." was all I could say.

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