7 - Y/N POV

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The rest of the week went by uneventful. You pretty much kept to yourself at home, staying in your room more and somewhat avoiding Momo. Thankfully this week Gojo had taken Nanami with him on mission so you didn't have to be at the school to much and when you did you made sure to go while Megumi was training the first years so you wouldn't run into each other. Before you knew it, it was Friday. Nanami had called you to tell you him and Gojo would be back that evening and that he had e-mailed the outline of his report and would like the final on his desk before he got back. One thing you learned while being Nanami's secretary was punctuality. The man kept a strict schedule. So here you were on Friday afternoon standing infant of the printer in your office watching the report print when you hear someone approach your door.

You brace yourself, thinking Megumi somehow managed to get away from training to come to your office. "Well hey there" you hear a voice draw out, You know who the voice belongs to before you even look over your shoulder. "Hi Choso" you smile cheerily at the man leaning against your doorway. "What are you doing here?" you ask collecting the papers from your printer and coming back to your desk looking up at the tall dark haired man. "Geto asked me to drop off these files to Gojo, but his office is locked up tighter then Knox and his lap dog isn't around" You knew he was talking about Megumi.

'Good, he must have left for the day' You think to yourself.

"So I figured I would leave it with you and maybe you can give it to him. Him and Geto apparently are going on mission soon. Something big" Geto was somewhat of a free lance sorcerer. Choso was his assistant like Megumi was to Gojo. The only difference was Geto didn't have the best reputation. There was talk of him having some dealing's with some dark stuff. In turn Choso didn't have a good rep by association either. Gojo only asked for Geto's help when it was something big and he had always refused to let Megumi go along. You look up smiling and stick your hand out "You sure can. I'll be sure he gets it" He takes two long strides from the door and hands you the file.

"Say, what are you doing tonight?" He asks "Huh" you reply thrown off by the question, looking at him with furrowed brows. "A few of us are getting together to hit up the new club that just opened down town" He says settling himself on the edge of your desk. "Oh you mean the one that already has a two month waitlist to even get your name on the weekly list?" you raised a eye brow at him. "Well" Choso continues "Geto happens to have a hook up so I can get in pretty much whenever I want" your slightly concerned with what those hook ups are. "Who's gonna be there?" "Hanami, Mahito and of course Me" he smiles.

'So pretty much everyone with a bad reputation in our line of work' you think to yourself. "I dont know" you sigh "Come on Y/N. You look like your been stressed, come hang out and have fun and I promise if you aren't having a good time you can leave" You chew on your lip as you think it over. Letting out a defeated sigh you nod "Okay, I'll come" you give a small smile. "Great. Meet us out front of the club at 8" He says as he gets up and makes his way to the door. You finish up what your doing making sure everything is perfect for Nanami before gathering your things. You grab your phone to check the time. 5:30pm you had a few hours to go home and get ready before heading out to the club. You notice you have 8 missed calls. All from Megumi. You knew by the end of the night you would have more, you decided to turn your phone off all together.

'I don't want to think about all of that tonight' you think as you make your way to your car.

You drive home almost on autopilot. Walking into your apartment, you take off your shoes trying to make a b line for your room. "Hey!" Momo smiles as she pokes her head out of the kitchen. "Hi' you say back giving her a small smile, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. You feel bad for avoiding her but you were still hurt she was keeping something from you and taking Megumi's side. "How was your day?" She asks walking out, sandwich in hand. "It was, ugh okay I guess. I finished everything for Nanami, so that's good" you rub the back of your neck glancing off to your room. "I have to go get ready" you say. "Oh are you coming to the party tonight?" You stop and look back at her. "What?" "Are you going to get ready for Maki and Mai's party tonight?" She cocks her head to the side a puzzled look on her face.

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