Chapter 1

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So, where do I begin? Well, I'm at Washington High in Portland, Oregon. Basically, the middle of nowhere. Nothing exciting ever happens out here. Or at least in my life. There were kids walking in groups, some by the walls chatting with friends. My head was always to the ground when walking around school. All I had was my best friend, Holly. I honestly don't know what I would do without her. Most of my mornings were quiet. Sometimes, she would sneak up on me if I was in my locker looking for a spare pencil or pen. Other times, she would be flirting with the hottest guy in school. Which I honestly had no clue who it was. It seemed to change every week. After making it over to my locker, I cracked the code and opened it up. A low squealing sound was made after letting the door swing open. My eyes started searching for my Algebra book and some extra paper. Math wasn't my strongest subject. I could go through two or three extra pieces of paper by the end of class. After being unsuccessful for two minutes straight, I started moving some things around. My locker was never the cleanest. And I mostly just threw my stuff in there and slammed the door shut. Out of the corner of my eye, a guy was approaching me. I didn't need to look in his direction to know who he was. Fredrick.

Fredrick was my new boyfriend. Holly hated him. She always told me that he only wanted to sleep with me. This was true, but I didn't care. He wasn't going to get his way with me.

He was around just for...

I honestly don't even know why I still had him around. He was arrogant, rude, and conceded. Fredrick smiled as he made his way towards me. I couldn't stand his smile. He didn't mean it. It was a game for him. How heartless was he for just trying to use me? His hazel eyes twitched a bit. His fingers ran through his aithochrous hair. "Hey, where have you been all morning?"

Looking at his outfit for the day: Navy blue jeans with holes in them. (Classy.)

Football jersey with the number forty-seven on it. (Jock.)

And white Nike sneakers. He had practice today. I'm surprised he was looking for me. Normally, he's off flirting with other girls. Inviting them to parties just to sleep with them. I've never been to one party. I guess I wasn't hot enough to be invited.

Why am I still with this cheating bastard? Because I didn't care. My life has dropped to the lowest point it could ever go to. I had him around to keep me company. Or to at least try to. But it wasn't working out. Lately, it's been a game of avoidance with him. He was getting on my last nerves.

"I've been here. It's the same thing I do every morning." I snapped at him. Fredrick had a wistful look in his eyes. I knew what he was going to say. He was going to ask me on another date Saturday night. Go over to his place, watch a movie. Plan to go all the way and then dump me later that night. I wasn't up for the games. I just wanted to be left alone. "So, another Saturday is coming up. Want to actually have date night with me this time?" He spoke through his teeth in an irritated manner.

"No." I quickly got out. Fredrick's face turned into a frown. "I don't want to talk about this again." I shut my locker door and went to walk away. His hand grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. He was squeezing it tightly. "Why are you dating me if we can't even see each other outside of school? You don't ever invite me to your house. Ask to see me and never even bothered to get my cell phone number."

I tried prying his fingers off my arm, but he only squeezed tighter. "Let me go Fredrick." He pulled me closer to his face. He was afflicting pain on me and didn't care. "You're hurting me." I whined. Still not releasing me, his eyes met mine. He was being aggressive towards me. "Kiss me." My face turned white. "If you care about us and this relationship, you'll prove it." I didn't know what to do. I was scared. If I didn't, was he going to hit me?

His demoniacal eyes just stared at me, waiting. Was I going to give him that chance? My choice was made for me when suddenly I fell to the ground. Fredrick was pinned up against the lockers. A bunch of students stopped and looked in my direction. The man holding him against the lockers was my ex-boyfriend, James. He was wearing a light blue button-up shirt with a white T-shirt underneath. His blue jeans didn't have holes in them, and he wore his favorite sneakers. Fredrick held up his hands like he was innocent. James was in his face. "What the hell is your problem, Ricky?" Fredrick was going to speak, but James shoved him into the lockers again. "Touch her again, and I'll break some bones that you could never imagine getting broken." Someone tugged on my arm. Holly was there, pulling me off the ground. James kept eye contact with him as Fredrick was released. Fredrick quickly ran down the hallway. He was afraid of James. The students went back to what they were doing. "Are you okay, Jessica?" Holly asked as she brushed the back of my clothes. I quickly nodded. James's eyes met mine. He was pissed. "What were you thinking? Dating a guy like that? His hormones are racing, not his heart." Rolling my eyes, I already knew this. "He could have seriously hurt you." His voice was stern but concerned.

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