Ooh, I'd Love To Be With You

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February 14th, 1980

(Sydney's POV)

It was yet another horrible day at work. Having younger girls in the class definitely made things interesting, alright. If that includes some of them being nuisances that refuse to cooperate.

"No, Taylor, like this," I said, walking over to my pole and demonstrating the move. "See what I'm doing? Move with the pole, let it guide you. You have to trust it."

"This is so dumb," she groaned, slumping down against the wall-mounted mirror. "I can't understand it. I don't even know why I'm here! I'm horrible at this, I won't ever get any better."

"No, no. Be nice to yourself," I gave her a warm smile. "Practice makes perfect. This only, what, week five? You got this, girl!"

"No, you don't get it. I can't do this," she frowned, burying her face in her hands. "Please just leave me here."

"I promise you, it gets easier," I leaned down, rubbing her shoulder. "Just have yourself a break. Don't overwork yourself."

I walked around the room, making sure everyone was doing okay. My star student was definitely Gloria. You'd think she's done this before, but this is her first class! I'm so impressed by her.

"Yes, Gloria! Excellent form," I cheered as she glided down the pole slowly.

"Thanks, Syd," she grinned, dusting herself off playfully.

I looked at the clock and realized it was time to go.

"Alright, class, I think that's enough for today," I clapped, getting everyone's attention. "You all did wonderfully! Please, be patient with yourselves. This is a learning process for all of us, including myself."

I heard everyone murmuring amongst each other and saying their quiet 'thank you's' to me. Eventually, they all gathered their things and left. Except for one student. Mariana.

"Hey, Syd," her quiet voice spoke, gaining my attention. She walked over to me, handing me my necklace. "I think you dropped this," she laughed dryly.

"Oh, I guess I did," I smiled, looking down at it. "Thank you, Mariana. Have a good rest of your day."

"You too, Miss."

She shut the door and I was left alone, gently feeling the necklace in my hand. The necklace that Michael had given me. God, I just realized that today is Valentine's Day and we haven't talked all week! I miss him so much.

I felt my eyes growing blurry with tears, but I quickly blinked them away and walked to one of the mirrors. I did my best to put the necklace back on and succeeded. I started playing with the heart and read the engraved words over and over again.


If he only knew how much I love him...

I kept on staring at the necklace that fitted perfectly around my neck, then went to gather my things, snapping out of my thoughts. After getting everything together, I locked up the room and started exiting the building.

"Have a good day, Sydney! Enjoy your Valentine's!" Katya said, walking by me.

"You too," I smiled weakly, walking out the double doors and feeling my heart tear apart at her words.

I walked to my car, unlocked the doors and revved the engine. I drove out of the parking lot, making my way home. I couldn't help but to think of Michael again. Did he forget? Probably. I mean, he's so busy, I don't blame him. I nearly forgot as well, but Mariana handing me my necklace was a quick, painful reminder. A reminder that Michael and I are still in this long-distance madness. And today of all days, we're far from each other.

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