Chapter 19

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I look down at my chest and watch in horror as thick black liquid trickles down my shirt and lands on the path.
"Bye Georgia." Luke says smirking and pulls the stake from my heart causing me to scream and clasp my hands over the hole falling to my knees and than the floor.
"GEORGIA?!" I'm to numb to move let alone speak, I hear Luke swear and the patter of his feet on the path. Soon I hear a gasp and open my eyes to see ....
"ZAYN!" I scream, he bends down picking me up and running his hand through my hair.
"H-How did you....?" I can't finish because I brake out into a fit of coughs black blood running from my nose and mouth as well.
"We're soul mates Georgia...and I love you." He whispers, I look up to see a pool of tears, I smile gently through the pain and lean up placing a kiss on his lips..
"I love you to."
"Promise me something Georgia?" I nod and gasp for air causing him to frown.
"Don't forget me, human or vampire."
I frown utterly shocked.
"W-Why?" He starts walking into the dark his features disappearing.
"Because you'll be set free once we return. But we're soul mates so let's hope we stay together."
"Soul mates find each other no matter what.." I whisper placing another kiss on his lips and than he steps into the dark

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