It was a Wednesday, Louis Tomlinson was walking down the halls as you do, but the only difference to normal was that he was walking alone. Louis is quite popular because he has a boyfriend on the footie team.

His boyfriend is Stan Jones. Stan was Louis' arch nemesis for years but then they got put together on a science project and fell for each other. They had been inseparable ever since.

On this particular Wednesday Louis' boyfriend was at a footie match with his mates and didn't think Louis would want to go, so he told him they would go to the hot-pools this coming weekend to make up for it.

To be honest Louis didn't mind not going. He likes watching Stan's match but only cause he can stare at him, he doesn't understand the rules and has no clue how to play. Louis' best friend Niall knows how to play but isn't on the team so he goes to the matches with Louis to tell him when to cheer or boo.

While Louis was roaming the halls waiting for the bell to ring he saw a petite figure with his knees up against his chest crying. Louis wasn't one to just keep walking after seeing someone in pain. So he walks over to the boy.

"Hey, hey darl. What's going on?" He says crouching next to the boy. The boy lifts his head up to reveal puffy eyes, a bleeding nose, a cut top lip and a trembling bottom lip. "I- I need help." Is all the boy says.

"Do you want to come with me to the bathroom and clean up a bit?" Louis asks his voice soft and comforting.

"I- I can't walk" the boy says crying.

"I'll carry you ok?"

The crying boy nods.

Louis picks up the boy, who was larger than him but Louis could manage, after all he is quite strong, and carries him to the nearest boys bathroom and sets him down on the counter. Louis opens his bag to reveal a first aid kit. Louis keeps it around if Stan gets hurt playing footie. He grabs a cleaning pad and some anti-infection liquid. And dabs it on the sad boys cuts. He wipes the tears off of the boys face.

God this boy is beautiful Louis thinks No. Louis you have a boyfriend. You can't think that, but he's so pretty and his hair! His curly hair! Oh and those emerald eyes. He's perfect. NO! Stan's perfect. You can't cheat on him. Louis was having an internal battle against himself. Although Louis had a boyfriend sometimes he felt is was more like having a child. He did everything for Stan. And then Stan went and left him at home with a simple thank you while he goes and does something fun with his friends.

"Th- thank you." The boy on the counter says while trying to jump off. "No don't leave." Louis says pushing against the boys stomach to get him back on the counter. The boy winces in pain. "Oh, no no did, did I hurt you?" Louis says jumping back a mile. "No, no you didn't I'm fine" The boys says with tears forming again in his eyes.

"No your not" Louis says walking forward towards the watery eyed boy. He slowly grabs teh bottom of the curly haired boys top and lifts it up to find many, many bruises. Louis gasps, and hugs the boy quickly, not to tight to hurt him but tight enough to make sure he can't escape.

Surprisingly the curly boy hugs back just as tight if not tighter. His breathing heavy, hot tears rolling down his cheeks landing on Louis' shoulder.

Louis pulls out of the hug and asks, "I'm gonna ask you a few questions and your gonna answer them truthfully. Ok?" Curly nods. "What's your name?"

"Harry, Harry Styles"

"What year are you in?"


"Me too. Who does this to you?"

Harry hesitates.

"The football team, but mainly Harley Roads."

Louis is in shock. Harley is Stan's best friend. How? How could he keep this from Louis.

"Does Stan Jones do this to you?" Louis asks tears slowly forming in his eyes.

"Yes" Harry answers tears rolling down his face still.

"Oh my god Harry. I'm so sorry. He's my boyfriend but I swear I didn't know" Louis says pulling at his hair.

Harry grabs Louis' hands taking them away from his hair and squeezes them signalling for Louis to stop. "Your Louis. Oh no. Stan told me if I ever told you what he does to me he'd put me in more pain then I've ever felt before." Harry then grabs at his curls and starts breathing more heavy and hiccuping on his tears. Louis noticed this straight away and pulled Harry's hands away from his head then pulling him into a tight embrace. Louis could tell Harry felt safe, his breath calmed and his tears slowly stopped.

The bell rang and the boys fell out of their embrace and left the bathroom in silence, hand in hand.

All Louis knew was he was definitely not Stan's boy anymore.

Tomorrow Louis will be breaking up with Stan Jones.

Authors Notes:

Hello I'm Sophia :)
This is my second fanfic and first boyxboy fanfic. I'm obsessed with 1D and hope you continue reading the story :) I will be adding Zayn and Liam into the story somewhere :) also Harley and Stan were random made up names lolz

words: 920
date: 20/7/2021
day: tuesday
time: 3:51pm

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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