If You Love Me, Don't Let Go

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Everything seemed to fall back into place the moment he'd stepped through the front door. His chair in the morning was used as if it had never been empty, his coats hung on the hangers alongside their own and his car soon found its place in their driveway as if it had always parked there. It was like he'd never left, or at least that's how Claire should have felt, but sitting at the kitchen table watching as Dean made breakfast felt wrong. Not comforting and definitely not familiar.

Everything about the situation was wrong, stiff, awkward, forced. Yet no one else seemed to notice or maybe they just didn't care, as Cas leant against the kitchen counter watching his boyfriend cook and Jack sat at the other end of the kitchen table flipping through a comic book like the dork he was.

Dean himself stood at their stove saying something to Cas as he made them pancakes. He wore a pair of grey sweat pants and nothing else, letting Claire stare at the burn that covers the majority of his upper back. The burnt skin continued along his right shoulder, and down his right arm just stopping above his elbow. It was an older burn, the skin wrinkled and brighter than the rest of his pale skin, keeping Claire's attention no matter how many times she tried to look away.

She could ask about it.

Was it part of the reason he'd gone to jail? Did he get it at jail? Were there more? All bitchy questions, but it wasn't like Claire was above being an occasional bitch.

She opened her mouth, though before she could get the words out Dean was turning her way and her gaze quickly dropped to the plate in front of her. The sounds of footsteps came then from the corner of her eye Claire watched as Dean set a tray of pancakes onto the table.

"Still like blueberry pancakes?" Dean asked as he took the seat on her right, and her dad took the one to her left. Which was incredibly wrong, Cas had always sat on her right, but it wasn't like Dean cared about what they normally did.

She looked up, meeting his gaze. Dean had a smile across his face, one that wasn't completely easy, more cautious as if he was trying to bargain for her trust.

"No," Claire replied, hoping he could hear the annoyance in her tone. "Not since I was five."

"Well I do!" Jack cut in. Dean's features dropped for a second, in maybe even defeat before he was once again smiling and had turned his head to talk to jack.

Leave it to her brother to try to play peacekeeper, even though just last week they'd both agreed they weren't happy about Dean returning.

Fucking traiter.

She gave her brother a quick glare before pushing her chair back with a more than satisfying screech, and walked across the kitchen to grab cereal. The conversations continued on behind her as she grabbed a bowl and filled it with milk and cereal, a blur of words that she didn't really care about or want to hear.

It was too early for conversations, especially with a stranger that she was supposed to just pretend was part of her family. She preferred when it was just her and Jack in the morning, Cas working one of the hospitals morning shifts or still asleep after a late shift. When it was quiet, and more important when it was without Dean.

She grabbed a spoon and shoved a mouth full of cheerios into her mouth before she went back to her spot at the table.

"Claire," Cas said as she sat down. She hummed in response. "Dean has offered to give you a ride to school today."

She glanced to Dean before looking back to her dad. "I'm fine taking the bus," Claire said, "I'm sure he's busy."

"He offered."

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