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Your name is Kanaya and your mother has just conceived you. Whether in a hospital or somewhere this took place, you don't know because six days after she gave birth to you, she left you in a basket one September night outside one of the local orphanage in Idaho.
You won't exactly feel mad towards the parents that you will never meet or know, but you do wish they at least wrote an explanation why they gave you away, in the note they included in the basket with you containing your name and birthday.
A few weeks after they gave you away, a kind woman adopts you as her daughter, and you are now known as Kanaya Maryam.
==> In Brooklyn New York City, your other half - the one who will be your soulmate - will be born a few months from now. You can't meet her yet for she is still a fetus in her own mom's womb. But be patient, you will meet her at the right time. She promised you she'd wait for you anyway, so no worries.
You are now three years old and is going to preschool. The next-door neighbors' kid happens to be the same age as you and so the two of you go to the same school. His name is Karkat Vantas and he will be your best friend for as long as you can remember. You will tell him about your unknown parents; how you feel like you've been somehow robbed of love and being wanted. He will keep you company when you are down, and incidentally, he will be the reason you will meet your soon to be destiny.
==> Your soon to be destiny though, also does not have a perfect family because her father left her mother for a different woman. At an early age, she will be forced to grow up quickly by seeing her mother constantly drink alcohol due to depression.
You are eight years old and you experience your first heartbreak.
You like this girl in your second grade class (a class without Karkat) and you told her about it. At that time, you weren't informed yet about the consequences that may arise in liking the same gender and it was not yet a common broached subject by people, so the said girl you like looks at you weirdly and tells the whole class you were a dyke.

You didn't know what the word meant but it must have been bad, so you couldn't help crying when she started chanting "Kanaya is a dyke" (you don't know why she knows what 'dyke' means, maybe her parents let her watch TV programs not suitable for kids which is bad parenting in your opinion) and then the whole class is chanting it while throwing crumpled papers at you and laughing at your face.

You wonder if there is such a thing as love for others because you do not particularly feel it now towards you.

==> In her school, your future girlfriend is also being bullied because she constantly keeps to herself, has developed a knack for long and confusing vocabulary, and likes to wear black clothing. When asked about it, she will answer sarcastically or will change the subject. Your future girlfriend is a miserable little kid who's built up a wall around her for reasons she thinks will protect her from this "love". She doesn't want to end up like her mom. Deep down, she longs for someone who will understand her. You are that someone. She longs for you, and you long for her.
My mind runs away to you
With a thought I hope you'll see
You are now a teenager and is a fairly likable individual who likes fashion and gardening. You like how a simple dress or several plants can be made beautiful. You also learn at this stage that you are not attracted to boys on account of how you spend the majority of your time daydreaming about giving flowers to the girl you will like or surprising her on her birthday with a gift you'll gladly spend months saving up for, when it should be the other way around and a boy should be doing these things for you. No offense to boys, but you just don't find their masculinity swoon-worthy. You dream about curves and softness, not muscles and stubble.
You tell Karkat and feel sad about your orientation but he assures you, as he is such a fan of romantic films, that you are meant to be with someone, and that someone will accept you for who you are.

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