Intro #1

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   Ok so let me catch you up basically John and Alex were at lunch before they had to hit the books along with Alex's brother (Lafayette or laf ) and laf's boyfriend (Hercules) and it was going good until this...
   "I just think if someone's s/o wanted to go to a different college if they really loved them they would follow them and I stand by that." John said confidently (like he was actually right) "no everyone should do want they want to do no matter what their s/o chooses, you shouldn't have to change your whole life for someone no matter how much you love them." Alex said in defense in a jokingly way but he meant it. Laf and herc laughed as they walked out the ice cream shop along with Alex and John who were still arguing. "I'm just saying as a person you should do whatever you please and not made by another person just out of lust." Alex stated as he rolled his eyes and of course John had something to say. "But if you really loved them you would do it." John said really quietly tears swelling up in his eyes. Herc and laf didn't seem to notice that John was a little hurt and Alex noticed but didn't say anything because he didn't want to publicly humiliate him. It was awkward for a good while with tension silence.


  So John and Alex's car ride back was awkward to say the least...Alex wanted to know why John got so reserved and awkward at that silly conversation but he didn't want to pry but then again...."John just tell me what's wrong." Alex said reaching out for Johns hand but he flinched...Alex was definitely hurt by that. " i don't know I guess if you really love someone you would do anything for them ." John said again very very quietly. "This again." John threw his head up still driving. Alex wanted to know why it bothered him so badly he doesn't understand it was just a stupid jokingly debate.
    They're at their apartment... the two boys walk up to the apartment and go in and separate their ways and go to each other rooms. For anything, Alex was just super confused. He was stuck in his own thoughts until he heard something come from johns was him crying....why was he crying though... " John are you ok?, can I come in?" Alex said in a soothing voice. "Come in" John said still sobbing for what reason? Still don't know.... "Hey hey are you ok, Laurens...what's wrong, talk to me." Alex said in a voice that made John just melt. "It's ju-just...I- I LOVE YOU ALEXANDER HAMILTON!" John blurted out. " um ja-Jackie I-." Alex couldnt even get his sentence out at this point.

  I shouldn't have said shit I messed up, he doesn't love me I'm a useless boy with an abuser of a dad. Ugh he wishes he was perfect like Thomas him and Alex have a good connection but you can tell it's platonic....I think.. oh shit what if he likes Thomas oh my god I cant, " I shouldn't have said anything I'm so sorry forget it." I was so hurt lexi just sat there blankly god his eyes were gorgeous though I could look at them forever, and his curly hair in a bun so perfectly put. Ugh snap out of it John not the time to be admiring the boy who is just fucking standing there. Until Alex finally said something...

um I was freaking out literally the love of my life told me they were in love with me...this can't be real I'm dreaming I feel like I'm dreaming... I bite the inside of my cheek.....nope I'm not. I sat there looking dumb not saying a thing until finally I could blurt it out,"I love you so much Laurens I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I literally could not believe I just said that to this perfect man. We are really close right now.

At this point John and Alex are really close, tears still running down johns eyes but they were happy tears now. Finally when Alex pulls John into a much waited kiss filled with long and lust, Johns stomach having so many butterflies in it it's unbelievable.

Tell me what you guys want me to do <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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