Chapter 1: Born In Flames

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Walking along the path, he had not known how far he had walked for. What had he been looking for again? Whatever it was, the task was long gone now. It began to get cold. So the winged man decided to head home, but something caught his eye.

Inside a glacier stood a portal unlit. The man flew towards the portal to see where it led too. Philza grabed his flint and steel and lit the portal. Walking through brought him to a strange sight.

Withen the portal stood a world known as the Neather. Where no water could withstand the heat and would evaporate in an instant. A few feet away sat a scared piglin chained to an old rusty pole. Something was wrong. The child was sitting in a circle of frost.

Philza took a few steps closer to investigate the piglin child. The piglin finally noticed Philza. The child started whinning and imating a pig crying for help. But nobody came. (Undertale be like) Philza moved a bit close to where he was infront of the child. Poor thing seemed terrified!

Philza grabbed his sword made of dimonds and- SWOOSH

Breaking the chain the imprisoned the child. The child looking up at Philza suprised. Out of the mans bag dropped a baked potato. Curious the piglin snatched the item starting to eat it. Looking up in glee in a way of saying he liked it.

Philza in awe petted the child. Instead of warm fur, the child was cold. Nothing made sense. But sometimes things dont make sense. Philza started to back away deciding he should head home. But the child followed. Making a trail of frost behind him as he walked.

Philza tried nudging the piglin away as a signal to go home. But the child would not. Whinning as a way of saying he could not go home. Philza with a heavy heart. Took a blanket and wrapped it around the young piglin, then picking the boy up.

Walking out of the portal the boy shivered from the decrees of temperature. Philza made it his next goal to take the boy home. Hidding him whithen his thick coat to keep him somewhat warm and to keep him out of sight from people around.

Spreading his wings he flew high above to get a better view. "This is going to take a while." Said the man with a sigh.

                  A Few Hours later.

Still he had not gotten home and it was dark. Not wanting the young one the get harmed by mobs decided to sleep in a tree for the night. Not taking to long made a nice small tree house.

Putting the child in bed and tucking him in though noticing frost began to form around the child as he shivered in his sleep from the cold. Philza made a small fire and placed it next to the bed to warm the child up. It didn't completely melt the frost but it decreased it by a fair amount.

As the small one falls alseep, Philza placed his bed and dozes off to sleep as well.

                       In the Morning

Waking up, Philza notices that the piglin is no longer withen the tree house. In a state of panic he flew out of the tree house. But it didn't take long to find the child, for he made a path of frost behind him.

It led up to a pond, the child was looking at the water as if it was the first time he'd ever seen the liquid before. Which made sense for the child probably lived in the nether until now. Walking over the child had something in his hand, it was an enchanted golden apple! "How did you find that?" Philza asked in shock and confusion. A few sounds were heard from the boy, then he pointed at a chest hidden in a tree. "Huh, you've got a good eye kid. But let's get you back to the cabin."

The child then runs over to the winged man and jumps into his arms. Philza chuckles before spreading his wings and flying off into the air.

Before arriving at a small vilage Philza hid the child withen his thick coat. "Stay as quiet as possible, understand? We cannot afford to let anyone see you especially the
H u n t e r s."

The small pig nods before completely hiding himself. Walking into the small village, Philza was able to hear villagers murmuring around him. But decided ignore it.

He walked towards a shop to buy some items for the small pig. In the end he bought potatoes, gold, jewels, bedding, a blanket, and a pillow. Before he was able to walk out someone tapped his shoulders.

"Hello there, sorry to bother you but are you Philza Minecraft?" "Why yes I am, how can I help you?" Replied Phil. "Oh wow it really is you." Said the strange man under his breath. "I just wanted to give you this." As he gave Philza an emerald. "Goodbye for now." Not knowing what to say, took the emerald and turned to fly home

Before flying off the man said. "Oh and my name is F o o l i s h  G, remember it." Philza then flew off with a strange feeling in the stomach.

                        An Hour Later

"Okay little one, were finally here" Said Philza as he put the child down.
"Come on inside, you'll freeze out here." Said Philza. The piglin obeyed and stepted inside the cottage. Curious the child decides to look around. Soon after descovering the kitchen, the piglin saw something shiny. It looked like gold, and of course by natural instinct went over and picked it up. It had gems on each side of it. With the item a book was seen. Fliping a few pages the child saw a scetch of a person putting the item atop of their head. Putting it on his head, he wanted to show his new found father. Going up to Philza who was cooking dinner, pulled on his one of his large wings. "What the-" Looking down at the child his confused look softened in awe as the child was wearing an old crown. "Awe, would you look at that." Stopping what he was doing to, pick up the child. "Here how about tomorrow I'll make you a crown that fits you better." Nodding in excitement, Philza places the child on a chair. "Here you go, eat up little one" Philza said as he placed baked potatoes on the table.

                        After Dinner

"Okay little one, let's get you to bed." Phill spoke as he brought the child to it's room. Tucking the child in, he said goodnight, and turned off the light.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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