under the water

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"Duusuu spread my feathers!" Looking at man she loved, when he was fighting alone for his family's happiness made her transform again and again.

After few seconds there wasn't even trace about Nathalie Sanceur. Just blue skinned woman with darker blue hair, pink eyes and peacock dress. Mayura licked her lips and jumped down of the building roof.

She wanted nothing but make her boss - Gabriel happy again. If it barreled risking her life, she was ready. She could have died for him, literally. The peacock miraculous was slowly taking her life. If she didn't stop using it, that would kill her.

Mayura landed lightly on the street. Slowly she straightened up and walked closer to the fight, with smirk on her face.

"MAYURA!!" One of the heroes yelled.

"Miss me?"

Hawkmoth had turned his look to her, while hitting Ladybug with his rod, "you shouldn't be here." He breathed for Mayura, "go and rest".

"Don't worry. I'll be fine!" Every time the same answer. Mayura heard little sigh. She could guess what Hawkmoth was thinking. Butterfly guy didn't say anything and she didn't wait the answer.

After little fight Mayura pressed queen bee on the ground and grinned. "Why this feels so familiar? Like this has happened before".

She was about to take girl's miraculous off when she heard little voice. Voice what made her to look around and then she saw something what made her really worried. Blue woman let go of Queen bee, stood up and ran, "watch out!"

"Mayura no!" That was the last thing she heard before she felt cold water around her. Her whole body ached for hit she had got on her head.

Mayura's body didn't let her swim so she sinked even deeper. Her eyes closed for fainting

Is it over now?

Chat noir hit in the direction of Hawkmoth with his pole. Hawkmoth couldn't move away so he looked away and waited for pain.

Nothing... Someone had took the hit for him and he could guess who it was, "Mayura no!" He tried to catch on her hand but it was too late, the woman fell into Seine with splash. Then there fell silence. Everybody looked at the river.

"Why she doesn't raise to the surface?" Chat noir asked terrified, breaking the silence, "did I..."

Hawkmoth didn't listen anymore he took deep breath and dived behind her. Why was she always risking her life for him?

Worry felt like big weight on his chest. He couldn't lost her... if she di- no she won't Hawkmoth thought. When I'll find her, this will be over. It's Emilie's time to go. I need Nathalie... She is risking way too much.

Hawkmoth felt little panic inside him. Where was she? Man looked around time after time. His had to find her before his oxygen ended.

He was about to give up and rise, when he saw her. As quickly as possible butterfly guy swam to her. Hawkmoth wrapped his arms around her and started to rise to the surface. He held her so close to him when he took his lungs full of fresh air.

Hawkmoth looked at her and started to carry her to the waterside. Quickly he looked around, when he didn't see anyone, he took Mayura's miraculous away and the woman turned back to Nathalie, his assistant.

She didn't breath... "Please..." Hawkmoth whispered, hands shaking, while trying to find her pulse, "Don't leave me".

When the man didn't find it began the resuscitation. "Come on Nathalie," he felt tears in his eyes, "hold on".

When nothing changes he stopped. Silently she just laid there. Without any move. "No... No. NO! This can't be.." Gabriel kissed woman's lips, "I love you Nathalie... this wasn't meant to be like this." Then he closed his eyes and started to sobbing.

He was too shocked to heard the little coughing on his lap. Lightly someone swiped his tears away, "everything is alright".

In the same second when he felt her hand Hawkmoth opened his eyes. "Nathalie," he breathed, "Don't scare like this ever again!" He pulled her into tight hug.

"I'm fine," he heard her saying and felt her stroking his back, "you can't get rid of me so easily".

"How someone can be so stupid and still so smart at the same time?" He asked and held her even tighter.

"You still love me," Nathalie laughed. In confusion Hawkmoth pulled her front of him and looked at her deep blue eyes. "I heard what you said". After she said these words, Nathalie took his miraculous off. "And next I want to hear the same line from Gabriel Agreste's mouth".

In few seconds Hawkmoth turned to Gabriel Argeste. He didn't know why it made him even more nervous when he didn't have his "Super villain role" on. I said it once. He thought.

"Alright I love you Nathalie Sanceur. I don't know why I didn't realise it earlier," Gabriel sighed and turned his look away, while blushing.

"How ironic that I needed almost drown before you saw it," She said. It was meant to be joke, but every word was true and it made it even worse. How much did he hurt her before that?

"I'm sor-" Nathalie put her lips against his and cut him off. Surprisingly Gabriel kissed her back.

"Don't be," She said while pulling away, "and if you didn't understand, I love you to, sir". When he heard that, Gabriel put his hand on her shoulders and smiled. These three words felt so good to hear. Even when she said them.

"You know, you can call me Gabriel, right?" he asked before kissing her again.

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