The Royal Life

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The royal gate opened with its dignity. Beside it, a strong and beautiful palette hung there which read 'Rouen's Royal Palace of France'. Hazel assumed that that palace was not the only one. It simply means the royalty of that palace lies in many other palaces situated across the kingdom of France.

Strong brown and white horses standing on either side of the royal pathway made a majestic bow when the prince entered on his chariot with Hazel standing right beside him. There was a huge pineapple-shaped fountain blowing water in colours, in the centre of the pathway. It didn't seem as it was the early morning through the liveliness of the place. People in the palace looked at Hazel in detail while there were many other beautiful maids roaming in the French gardens of the palace. She felt it a little awkward to be noticed like that; consequently, concealed her face with the black net veil attached to her hat.

She saw there not a palace behind the magnificent fountain but a huge wall of bushes with red roses in the bottom and white lilies hanging on those deep green curtains of leaves.

"As beautiful as heaven this is!" She witnessed it to be more glorious place than so many other places she had seen in her little life.

"This is, the royal beginnings of The Great France." Prince Oswaldo cleared his throat and said in a deep baritone. His French accent was more adorable and sexy than other French men. She looked at him with an expression of delight in her eyes when he stretched his arm so as to introduce the Princess-like Beauty to the Beauty of France, and the gate amidst the green bushy wall opened; there they arrived in front of the huge palace with emeralds studded in its gigantic walls, Hazel was not able to see the end of the palace on either side. The area was covered with too much of fog. All the big windows, almost of the size of a door, had maroon curtains closed, and so she wasn't even able to glance inside.

"Here, Miss Felton." Said the Prince offering his hand to Hazel to get down from the chariot while she was busy looking at the splendid beauty.

"Sorry, um... I was..."

"It's okay, you are perhaps the first guest by my side to enter our Royal Estates." Prince said as Hazel held his hand then looked tickled with the thought of being the first one. She did not say a word and quietly climbed the first step of the wide staircase then paused for a moment. Prince Osvaldo beheld at her;

"Only for the party." She reminded. He got a little muddled for why she, seeing the glamour of everything there, is yet not at all in a mood to stay a little while more.

"Sure, trust me ma'am." He assured her and they went further. She held her gown so that it won't get wet through the flowing water at the entrance of the palace.

"It is the water beneath the glass floor. Your dress wont get bothered by it, Ma'am." Explained the Prince. She was again stunned by this one and released the grip of her gown. Seemed like walking on water with divine powers, though it was just the royalty of France.

"The maids will guide you to your chamber as you will be here for a day or two." Said the prince.

"But the party will be ending tonight itself, right?" She questioned. Prince gave a sharp intense look then break off for a moment, took a deep heavy breath and said,

"No, you'll be staying here till tomorrow evening till this event gets over, is that good?"

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Taking a bow, said she in a very secretive voice. Prince Osvaldo turned around leaving Hazel with two maids, walked two steps and swiftly turned again,

"I don't like people asking too many questions, Miss Felton. Better you note that for further interactions."

"As you say, Your Majesty!" And he went away with his attendees. Hazel involuntarily had to obey him since she now stepped not only in the lands of France but also in its Palace.

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