Chapter 1

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"Please I d-don't want t-to die" I watched as she begged, pulling at her restraints as she sat on a worn down chair.

   My father had his hands wrapped around her neck, cutting off her airway. I sat at the corner of the ugly and foul smelling room, tears running down my eyes.

   At the age of 8 years old my father had made me witness his many murders, he tied me down on a chair as similar as the one that the girl was currently sitting at, as if trying to hold me back from stopping him, and made me watch him torture his victims, supposedly teaching me what "sinners", as he used to call his victims, deserve.

   I was taught to never have emotions, as they would become my downfall, but it never made it any easier to watch him torture so many people who probably had families waiting for them at home, never knowing that today was the last day they would hear from them.

    "Shut up and accept your fate. You had it coming for you anyways." My father said.

  I watched as he took out his gun after hours of torturing the poor girl that sat on the almost breaking chair. I wanted him to end her suffering, she looked like she was in too much pain, and I couldn't handle hearing her heartbreaking cries anymore. She looked like she was a nice girl, looked no older than 25, beautiful striking blue eyes filled with tears, now covered with bruises around them and blood.

  We made eye contact as my dad pointed the gun at her head, getting ready to shoot. She gave me a small smile almost as if to reassure me that everything was going to be ok,when she was the one that was about to be dead in no less than 2 minutes. That's when I decided that I atleast had to speak up to try and help her, even though dad had warned me many times to stay quiet and observe.

    "Sir" I addressed him as he once told me to never call him dad. "Please don't do this, she doesn't deserve it, no one deserves this type of treatment." I spoke through sniffles.

  One thing that my father hated the most was crying, said it made people look weaker and not capable of controlling themselves. I never really understood what made him think that, when to me it showed that people cared, it showed me a beautiful part of everyone's soul.

  Maybe that was why I had never seen father cry, he had no soul, no emotions, there was just a deep hole filled with darkness inside of him. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard loud, calculated footsteps heading my way.

  Father had a sickling smile as he approached me at the corner of the room. I feared that I had made a huge mistake by speaking up, making me think that I was about to meet the same fate the blue eyed girl was soon heading to.

He stopped in front of me and to my surprise he started laughing.

It was not a good hearty laugh though, it sounded to me like the evil laughs that the villains in movies made, just before explaining their evil plan.

  More tears started welling up in my eyes as he started undoing the knots that tied me down to the uncomfortable chair. Man up Aziel, I said to myself, you can do this. Once he untied me, I stood up, not really understanding the reasoning behind his actions, he had never untied me before unless he had already killed his victim, which in this case, it had not been done yet as I could still see the girl breathing lightly while she kept on coming in and out of consciousness from all the hits she had taken.

Father finally decided to speak up. "Since you are being so bold today Aziel, I want you to hold the gun, and shoot the 'sinner' sitting before us." He said while handing me the gun.

  All blood drained from my face. The gun was heavier than I expected it to be and my hand was not exactly big enough to hold it, making me have to bring my other hand up to touch the horrendous weapon.

I couldn't do this, no matter how many times I had watched it happen first-hand, I couldn't bring myself to take away another human's life.

Most 8 year olds probably played with their toys, read comic books, watched cartoons, and had a loving family.

I on the other hand had to grow up with a twisted father, never met my mother, and was forced to mature from a very young age, when instead I should be out playing soccer with my friends.

  "Go on Aziel, we don't have all day" Father said, giving me a push towards the blue-eyed girl.

I was paralyzed, feeling like I couldn't breathe, while staring at the girl that I was supposed to kill. In that moment I truly realized how cruel my so-called father was.

At times I had tried convincing myself that father had a purpose for killing all these innocent people, that maybe deep inside him, one day he would realize that what he was doing was wrong, and we would become a happy family, but as I turned my head to look at him, I realized that my dumb fantasy would never happen.

I could see the evil glint in his eyes and his smile showing me how much he was enjoying this. With that, I made up my mind. I wasn't going to shoot her, I was going to shoot myself, taking myself out of this misery that I called life. Raising the gun to my head, I prepared myself to shoot when he pushed me aside, grabbing the gun from my hands and shooting the girl, her blood splattering all over the walls.

"I bet you thought you were smart huh" Father said in a mocking voice.

"Listen carefully because I'm not going to repeat myself, you will never outsmart me kid. I would've still killed her even if you were dead. One day you're going to realize that emotions are for the weak, they manipulate your way of thinking and one day you're going to find yourself dead because of them. Wipe those tears, you're not a baby anymore and go and clean the blood on your face." He finished while making his way out of this terrorizing room.

With a face covered in blood, and the dead body in the room, I felt another sliver of my soul leave my body, making me feel completely empty inside.


Authors Note: Hey guys this is a new story I've been working on. I'm not a great writer,  this was honestly just a little experiment I was trying out. If you enjoy this chapter please give it a vote or don't if you don't want to (but please do) as it helps me and encourages me to keep on writing. If no one has told you this today, I just wanted to let you know that I love you and that you are perfect just the way you are, don't let anyone tell you otherwise <3.
See you soon love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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