Chapter 3

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The Prophet searched the desert for hours. No rebel in sight.

Macy earlier that day had pleaded him, along with the other Wild Ones, to accompany her in the rescue of her sister from FEAR. However, he refused not wanting to put the others in harms way. It was to dangerous for them now. So, Macy, in return, set out herself to safe her before it was to late.

The Prophet searched for hours upon hours. Then he saw her. On the ground not moving. He was afraid about what he was fixing to discover. Slowly, he walked closer to what he now knows is a dead girl. Emotions of sadness swept over him, but would not let himself show it.

The Prophet then saw her pentagram on the ground out of her reach. He picked the amulet up, kneeled down by her body, and gently lifted her limp head putting it around her neck where it belonged.

He then leaned forward, kissing her forehead, and a tear escaped from his eye.

"Goodnight, my Wild One. You fought hard," he whispered in her ear.

The Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild OnesWhere stories live. Discover now