⚡ How The Club Works ⚡

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Just like any other Muggle book club, we - unfortunately - must also abide by laws

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Just like any other Muggle book club, we - unfortunately - must also abide by laws.

Don't be a Delores - No matter how badly you want to shove a Wizzards cracker up someone's behind, rather bite your tongue and talk to a teacher or prefect (only trusted members will know who the teachers are

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Don't be a Delores - No matter how badly you want to shove a Wizzards cracker up someone's behind, rather bite your tongue and talk to a teacher or prefect (only trusted members will know who the teachers are. Prefects are your admins.) We do not tolerate rudeness or bullying here.

Language - We don't like barriers, so all work must be in English. Swearing too. Don't talk in parsel tongue, just say it straight.

Follows - We only require you to follow our profile, add this book to your reading list and library. Besides for that, we strongly encourage you to follow the other members and your Prefects.

Books - You are allowed one book in the club. The book must have at least 4 chapters, but complered, or nearly completed books are a bonus. Prologues with less than 800 words are excluded. All genres are welcome, except poetry (sorry).

Students / Members - You must be at least 16 years of age, with work that is of high quality. We will screen your book before acceptance and sorting. Yes, sorting. Upon acceptance, we will forward you a questionnaire that will sort you into your Hogwarts house.

If accepted, you will be given a two week trial period before becoming a full fledged member and receiving your sashes and book stickers.

All actions have consequences - here are ours:

Strike - A strike is a hit to your name. 3 strikes, and you're out. You will receive these when:
- you miss a round
- bully or be rude to another student
- show disrespect towards either a teacher or prefect.

To redeem or remove a strike you must:
- complete missed round, and not miss two consecutive that follow.
- publicly apologize the one you have wronged

If, however, you are unable to complete a round, feel free to contact your admin and request an extension

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If, however, you are unable to complete a round, feel free to contact your admin and request an extension. Reminders will be sent out on Fridays, just to make sure you don't forget.

Leave / break - You are allowed time off. Only once every 4 weeks, for a week. If you require more time, you will have to re-apply for a spot in the club when you are ready to return. But please, don't just drop out. Please be decent and inform us. We won't bite, but Fluffy might...

Just to make sure you've read the rambling above, as your first password, tell us your favorite spell.

How exactly will our pairings work?

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How exactly will our pairings work?

You will each be sorted into a house, assigned to a Prefect. Inside your group, you will be teamed up with one member per week. You will read two chapters of each other's work. Whenever you are paired again, you read the next, and the next... You getthe point. We prefer that you vote for chapters that you have already read. Consider it your virtual bookmark.

Guidelines for comments:

🧙‍♂️ Read 2 chapters of your partners book
🧙‍♀️ Make at least 2 inline comments per chapter & 1 final, detailed review / comment of at least 4 sentences. Try to be thorough and specific.
🧙‍♂️ Start every comment with #PMBC
🧙‍♀️ Please don't delete comments.
⚡ Special PotterMores that go above and beyond with their comments will be rewarded. Chosen Ones are those who have given exceptional feedback over a period of 3 weeks. These members will be deemed the elites of their houses. Fifty house points will be awarded for every week there is a Chosen One in their house. The house with the most points by the end of the year, will win the house cup.
🧙‍♂️ Remember to tag your admin. How? At the end of the round, or when you are done, next to your name... Comment:

(@username) 👈 (Prefects name) Done with chapter 1 and 2 of my partner's book

🧙‍♀️ New rounds posted Mondays, but rounds end Sundays 7pm CET. Failure to complete by deadline will result in strike as wellas exclusion from the next round.

For confirmation that you have read and understood, the rules... Please comment your favorite mythical creature as your second password.

Well done to all, and good luck!

Well done to all, and good luck!

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