(RB) A Life Worth Saving :: Chase x Sucidal! Human! Reader

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The Rescue Bots gets a distress call from a distressed reader who wants to end her life. Chase and Chief Burns are brought to the scene and tries to talk the Reader down from the edge.

A/n: If you're suffering from thoughts like this. Please seek professional help. I've been suicidal before and it's not a good feeling to have. Please seek the suicide prevention helpline. Or if you want to talk you can DM and I can help in any way I can.

⚠️ This deals with Suicidal Thoughts and Self Harm please Read with Caution ⚠️


The Rescue Bots got a distressed call from a woman who was at her last straw. She began to cry and say that she wants to end her life. She mumbles about losing everything and her family. Seeing as this was a very huge emergency, Charlie Burns and Chase contacted Ratchet and had him meet with them at the location that Charlie had caught.

The location was a bridge where most of the traffic took place. When Chase and Charlie arrived there was a (h/c) haired woman standing on the bridge looking down to the depths waters. She sobs.

Charlie got out of Chase and they walked to the distressed female.

"Ms. Are you okay?" Chase asked. The female turned around in shock.

"N-No… I'm not okay…" She said.

"Ma'am, please tell us your name. You're not in trouble, we need to know who you are." Charlie said.

"My name is (Y/n) (M/n) (L/n)." (Y/n) responded.

"Okay. Ms. (L/n), can you tell us why you're wanting to end your life?" Chase asked.

The female hesitated before answering. "I have nothing left to live for. My parents died. I've been abused and kicked out of foster care. My school kicked me out and I have nowhere to go since my parents house was foreclosed since there was no one there to pay the bills…" (Y/n) choked in tears.

Chase and Charlie looked at each other.

"Ms. It's going to be okay. Now come down from there. I want to check if you're okay." Charlie said.

"Okay…" She hesitated before going down.

"How old are you, if you don't mind me asking?" Chase asked.

"I'm 18…" She answered.

"Ah. Okay." Chase said. Ratchet was an ambulance and his Holoform exited the alt mode. He checked (Y/n). The initial checkup was a weird one. Ratchet found scars on her body, (Y/n) explained that she cut herself on stray nails in the floorboards of the Orphanage, Ratchet bought it. When he confirmed that she was okay Chase and Charlie brought her back to the base.

"Guys. We have brought someone from one of our rescues." Chase said.

"This is (Y/n). She will be staying here for a while. Please make her feel at home." Charlie said.

The others nod. Then a female with brown hair walked up to (Y/n).

"Hello. I'm Dani. These are my siblings. Graham, Kade and Cody. It's nice to meet you." Dani said.

"Y-You too…" (Y/n) said.

Throughout the weeks, you and Chase began to get close. You often hurt yourself and Chase questions those bruises but you lie and say it was from you being clumsy. He bought it, but one day everyone in the base was gone and you ran to the bathroom to cut yourself. You were in love with Chase. Yes, but he probably didn't love you at all. He was only a friend to you. You continued to cut yourself. Tears stained your cheeks as the knife cut deeper in the skin. The door opened to the front of the base.

"(Y/n)?" It was Chase. Damn it, why did he come back? This made you cut some more.

"(Y/n), I'm worried about you. Please respond. I came back because I felt like something wasn't right." Chase continued walking. Your arm began to hurt as you closed your eyes and fell limp. You woke up, it was dark and quiet.

Chase was next to you.

"What were you thinking?!" Chase scolded you.

"That was very irresponsible!" Chase screams.

"I'm sorry." You cried.

"Why did you do this?!" Chase asked.

"I... It's because I can't take it anymore!" You screamed.


"How many times do you have to wake up to know how worthless you are? How many times do you want to wish your dead? How long would it be for me to realize that I'm worthless?" You asked. This caused Chase to hug you.

"You're not worthless (Y/n)." He said.

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