Chapter 1

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Once there was a man named Hoover , he has been into many different relationships and out those relationships he has Been getting hurt every time he gives his heart to people that doesn't even need it , they take him for granted all his kindness his perspective about they take for granted ,he has been depressed for months at a time can't eat , sleep , just not himself. Every night he doesn't sleep can't eAt for weeks at a time, he's lost & confused, he is very weak & damaged.
There was this girl he met on his birthday Sept 1. He was depressed lost , not himself so he was texting this girl she was making him smile laugh for the first time in 6months , they would be on the phone day & night make each other laugh smile play Roblox everything with each other it was going good They would be on the phone every night it was times he wanted to fall back because he was catching feelings way to fast and didn't know why , but he kept on texting her it was someone he could talk to & express himself to , they connected well they would talk to each other about anything and everything they would fall asleep on the phone with each other every night stay up on the phone sometimes all night , he wanted to ask her out so many times but it was hard because every time he thought about asking her he would think about his past & the  pain he went thru all those long nights of depression, so he never really had the courage to come out and ask at such a time they only been talking for about a half a month and a half when he realized he might've found someone.

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