chapter one

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"a day in my life."
Welcome this is my story.
I'm Chloe, and my story begins here as a 19 year old grown up.
I've moved out when I was 17.
My parents weren't proud of me when I left collage even tho I worked hard for it. So I decided to work out my own life and move out.
There's lots of things I haven't seen yet in the world.
And things I don't know about. Like love.
I haven't been in love before, maybe when I was a kid yes but otherwise no.
I don't date anyone recently but i don't really want to.
I've been working in a office.
And my work is really making me more confident.
Im hoping to make new friends and live my life as a normal teenager for once.
When I was a kid my parents always used to tell me that I should be confident and proud of my work. And that's what I did growing up.
But my parents changed their mind about me and started to think bad stuff about me.
I haven't done anything bad in my life tho. I've might just had some shots of drinks in a bar. But that's it. I don't know why they thought of me as a bad teenager. Well that's over now. I shouldn't think about the past, I should think about my future instead.
It is the begging of spring. A Monday morning.
It is my day off.
I dreamed about some strange girl. She mentioned her name. Clarice. She said that She died. But somehow she was talking to me thru my dream.
Before I finished my dream..
"Beep beep beep beep!"
My alarm goes off. Ugh it's time for me to wake up. I really don't wanna get up. But I guess I have to.
I turned my alarm off and got out of bed.
I grabbed my phone and charged it, it was at 50% at the time.
I looked myself in the mirror. "I look like a mess". I though to myself. I decided to go and take a shower.
After a while I finished my shower and changed into some day clothes. I can't stay in my pjs. I wish.
I took a good look at myself. Before leaving the house.
I took my phone out of the changer and left the house.
"Im taking the elevator today."
The elevator opened up and I was ready to go in. A old lady and her dog walked out of the elevator.
The dog barked at me.
"Oh Muffin!" The old lady said.
I looked at the old lady and smiled gently. And walked in the elevator.

I walked down the street.
"Where should I go today?" I thought.
I wanted to go to the coffee shop, so I can relax a bit and drink some coffee. It's my favorite coffee shop in the city. They sell the best frappes.
I took the bus to the coffee shop.
Another 20 minutes passed and I arrived at the coffee shop.
It's now 9pm.
"Good morning! What do you wanna drink today?"
Said the cashier and smiled at me.
"Morning. I would like a frappe please."
The lady smiled and gave me a frappe.
"Thank you. Have a good day."
"You too!" Said the lady.
I took my frappe and walked over to a clean table outside.
"It's sunny." I thought.
Maybe I should go and sit by the sun.
I sat down at the table who had sun.
There was already a few people at the coffee shop.
I saw a nice guy who seemed pretty busy on his laptop. He sat on the table in front of me facing me.
I took out my phone and took some pictures of my frappe, I posted them on my Instagram story.
There after I looked back at the guy. He was looking at me smiling.
I smiled back at him.
I looked away, looked back, looked away.
He laughed.
"I can see that your looking at me.." he said and smiled.
"Oh I apologize." I said nervously.
He laughed. "No harm caused."
He stood up and sat down with me, took his laptop and frappe with him.
I blushed.
"So what's your name." He asked.
"It's c-chloe." What's yours?"
"I'm Chris. It's good to meet you Chloe!"
I smiled and drank my frappe.
"So why did you look at me so much."
I laughed. "I just thought you looked-"
"Nice?" Yeah I know I get that a lot. People always stare at me. But I don't think much of it." He said and smiled.
"Your nice too..Chloe"
"Thank you..." I said.
He looked away at the sun.
"How old are you if I may ask."
"... I'm 19." I said and smiled at him.
"Me too."
"You seem fun to talk to.. can I get your phone number?" Chris questioned.
I looked at him and took my phone out to give him my phone number.
"Of course. Here you go." I said.
He smiled and added me.
"What are you gonna do later today?"
"Just go for a short stroll and then head home because I have to meet up with my friend Sharon."
"Oh that's seems fun." He said.
I looked at the time.
It's 10pm.
"Chris I have to go. I appreciate that I got to meet you today. It was fun talking to you but I've got to head home. I'll see you some day."
I stood up and picked up my stuff.
"Okay. Goodbye Chloe. I'll text you."
"Yeah bye.." I said and walked off.
He was kind.
I was hoping to go earlier but I've got an hour until I meet Sharon.

I walked down hill and went to a nearby shop to get a smoothie since I was kind of starving.
That frappe wasn't enough for a breakfast.
"19.55€" please. Said the cashier.
I gave the money and walked out.
I went for a 20 minute stroll and headed home.
"Beep" it's Sharon.
She texted me that she's on her way.
Shoot my apartment isn't even clean yet.
"Hey Sharon. I have some cleaning to do before you arrive. Can you come maybe after 30 minutes, im so sorry❤️"
She texted back:
"Okay that's fine ❤️ "
I turned my phone off and ran home.
I put away my smoothie, I started cleaning up.
30 minutes later i finished cleaning.
Sharon was at the door.
"Hey Sharon! How are you?"
I hugged her. And she hugged back.
"Hi Chloe I'm good how are you?"
"I'm good too! Cmon in."
Sharon sat down on the couch and smiled.
"I've missed you" Sharon said and smiled.
"I've missed you too!"
"Sharon. What would you wanna drink or eat?"
"No no it's fine I don't wanna eat anything." Sharon said.
"Are you sure you don't want anything?" I said.
"Yes I'm sure. She said"
I sat down next to Sharon and smiled.
"You look so pretty. Where did you go before I came?" Sharon smiled.
"I've went to the coffee shop and I brought a frappe..."
".. seems fun! We should go there maybe some day."
I smiled. "Yeah we should.. I've met this guy.."
"Omg. What guy?" Said Sharon.
"At the coffee shop earlier. He was so sweet and kind. It started of by me smiling at staring at him..."
"And then what happened!!" Sharon said.
"Well he looked at me and smiled. Then he walked over and sat down with me, we talked about ourselves."
"Why did you gooooo!"
"Because of you!"
"Well did you at least get his number?" Sharon said.
"Yes yes! I'm so happy I did. He asked me by the way.."
"I'm so happy for you Chloe that's awesome news. That y'all maybe might be dating!"
"Okay chill. No dating yet.. we just met. We can stay friends for a bit."
Sharon laughed.
"Friends? Yeah that won't last girl. Y'all will become couple and then get married."
I laughed out loud.
"No way we ain't getting married!!! Don't say that. You stupid." I said.
I felt butterflies soon after in my stomach.
I really didn't know how to feel.
Everything felt so dizzy and so exiting.
Sharon noticed I was kind of bumped up.
"Are you going to go out with him?"
I looked at her and smiled and nodded.
"Well I'm not sure yet. I hope so."
Sharon laughed. "You really like him don't you."
I nodded.
A few hours later Sharon went home.
I was alone again.
I sat on my bed and read a book for about an hour.
The book was really relatable. It was about a young teen who fell in love.
The time was going by fast. I looked over at my phone and picked it up.
Sharon had texted me "goodnight" I texted back.
"Bling" my phone buzzed.
I looked over at my phone again and checked who texted me, it was Chris. I instantly felt butterflies and smiled.
He said: "I hope we can meet tomorrow? If that's okay with you. "
I looked at the text message for a while.
"Sure." I sent back. I put my phone back on my nightstand and got ready for bed.

The next morning.
"Beep beep beep" my alarm went off.
I turned it off and looked at the time.
8am, I stood up and headed to the bathroom to get ready.
My head was kind of hurting and I felt a little dizzy.
{Chloe} "maybe it's just that I went to bed late." I thought.
I got ready and ate some breakfast and a had a frappe.
I headed outside and looked at the people around me. I hoped to see Chris somewhere around. I haven't seen him since yesterday and I kind of missed him. I gave him a call. He answered.
{Chris} Hey.
{Chloe} Hey what's up.
{Chris} I kind of just headed out to get breakfast. What about you?
I felt butterflies again.
{Chloe} Butterflies-
Oh no.
{Chris} butterflies?
{Chloe} I'm sorry. I- I didn't mean to say that. I meant to say that I just headed out too.
{Chris} *laughs* oh okay. So are we still meeting later?
{Chloe} I haven't change my mind, so yes.
{Chris} okay it was nice talking to you darling. goodbye!
{Chloe} Bye.
He hanged up.
{Chloe}" Darling.." I thought.
I walked off to the barista cafe.
I saw Chris and ran over to him.
"Hello! I didn't know you were coming here."
"I didn't know you were going to be here."
We sat down and talked for a while. Shortly after we ordered coffee. Chris paid for me too.
"I've gotta leave soon. I have a important task to do. It's work." Christ smiled.
I looked at him and smiled.
"Okay Chris. I guess I'll see you at 7pm?"
Christ stood up and walked to the door and smiled, "yes dear."
I sat in the coffee shop for a bit more. Then I went back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2021 ⏰

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