ocean boy

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josh stood by the ocean/sea and breathed in its luscious scent of fish piss. mmmm piss. josh had a piss kink. and beastiality got him going so the combo made him erect.
josh intimately loved the ocean/sea. he got very defensive about it. the reason the sea is so salty is because of josh.
a lot of ppl was jelly of this love - aka princess
she fantasized about him riding her, as if it was the other way round she'll squash him. she was down to do animal role play as an elephant to get him going. but all he wanted was fish
he didn't discriminate between fish - cod, salmon, prawn, whale when he was super excited.
suddenly princess came to an epiphany, she wouldn't wash for week so she would smell like one, FINALLY!
the 2 friends she had left cos of her repulsive pong, but josh took a liking to it
the fucked
the end

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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