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hey guys umm I know it's been a while since I updated this book and I do apologize for that and I also apologize to those who requested chapters in this book and did not get to see them published to be honest with all of you I have lost inspiration to continue you this book I still love Ratchet and clank but I found new interests in new things and I want to try to write about new things if you guys want to check it out I know it's not Ratchet and Clank but it might be good I'm so sorry that I have to discontinue this book because this book it the most popular book in views and votes that I've written so I'm really excited about that I really appreciate all the votes and views so thank you guys so much for reading this book even though it kind of sucked a little bit because this was my first fanfiction ever and I was really shy and not really good at writing I'm still not lol but anyways I did edit the grammar a little bit even though it's not much I did try and again I apologize to those who requested chapters that did not get see them published well I hope you guys don't hate me for discontinuing this book once again I'm sorry bye guys

edit: I forgot to add that I edited it a little

Edit on 11/28/ 21 : I just reread what I wrote in this instead of writing I hope you guys don't hate me I wrote I hate you guys I didn't meant that because I love you guys and also I just wanted to say thank you all for the reads and comments on this book I might try to start this book back up again but I'm not sure but for now I'll leave it complete until I can figure out what to do with this book well I'll be off I love you all byee

ratchet and clank Ratchet X Reader (completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora