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The sky began to darken as Sarada made her last round around the village. Finding nothing new, she headed back to the house. She supposedly had taijutsu training tomorrow, and now that she could accommodate the body difference, she could attempt to see what training was in store for her.

Sarada entered the quiet house, shutting the door. The young Uchiha made her way down the halls and near her room. She stopped by the board, taking one good look before continuing. Part of her was worried about what type of training she had. Was it brutal? She was too young for that training. But Mama had told stories of Sasuke's clan training them before they even entered the academy. Did Sasuke change something in the universe?

It was too much to think about. But the anxiety she felt when trying to ignore it seemed to overlap the need to take things easy. She was in a new unfamiliar world with people who don't recognize the real Sarada. At least, the Sarada that was brought to this universe. Sarada entered the room and gathered the clothes folded on her bed. Sarada furrowed her brows, glancing around the well-lit room. She peaked her head outside, searching for pink hair. Sakura was nowhere to be seen.

I need to find out what's wrong with Mama,


Sarada sat up, breathing heavily as she grasped her covers tightly. The same dream about the markings consumed her dreams. It still held a surreal feeling. The feeling lingered longer than she had hoped. She sighed, holding her head as she got out of bed.

Like yesterday, Sakura had neatly placed clothing on the desk. That's one thing she won't have to worry about. She put the gi on and headed out the door, the ever-present robot standing guard to her left.

"Goodmorning, mama," Sarada greeted, bowing. Sakura began walking, motioning for the young one to follow.

The two entered a spacious platform surrounded by what she assumed were training dummies. Intricate designs littered the ceiling across the structure, like some sort of tale. The wind gently passed her, a huge opening in front of her with curtains just barely giving them privacy. It was somewhat calming.

"Ah, you're up earlier than usual, Sarada-chan," Sarada spun her head towards the source of the voice, her eyes widening. "A-Aunt Karin?" Karin placed her hands on her hips, head tilted in confusion. "Aunt?"

"Sensei, Sensei Karin?" Sarada gave a sheepish smile. Karin smirked, walking up to her. "What the hell is this banshee saying about me?" She asked. She glanced at Sakura, eyes narrowing. "Oh, right. You can't speak!" The redhead burst into laughter, glancing at Sarada.

Sarada stared oddly at her. Karin straightened up, her hands forming a sign. "I hope you mastered the forms correctly this time, Sarada,"

"Form?" Karin sighed, holding her head. "Sasuke may have to punish you again, Sakura," She began. The pinkette remained emotionless. "Hopefully this'll jog your memory."

Karin dashed towards Sarada, arms outstretched and aimed for her neck. Sarada put both arms in front of her, taking a defensive form. Her sandals dug into the ground as the force from Karin's attack impacted her. She grunted as the attack receded. A leg swiped behind her knees, making her buckle down onto the floor. Karin placed her foot on her back. "Well, you've managed to learn one form of defense I guess," She released Sarada and went back to her original position. "You have to learn to be defensive if faced by a powerful foe."

Sarada regained her bearing, getting into position. A task like this could be easy with her memories serving her well.

Karin flattened her hands and reached for Sarada's chest. The movement was all too familiar with the chidori. With one arm, Sarada deflected the stretched arm completely. She ducked, just barely dodging a kick. She could hear the air whistle with each attack. Karin was relentless as she attacked with a barrage of kicks. It amazed Sarada seeing how strong Karin possibly was.

Sarada's eyes moved fast, analyzing any openings for her to take. But without her sharingan, it was a fruitless effort. Karin kicked her side, making the young one falter. She eased up on her attacks as Sarada's reaction time lowered.

The attacks overwhelmed Sarada in a way she never anticipated. She never knew Karin was this skilled in combat. Then again, Orochimaru exists. At least she thinks he still does. Karin stopped, allowing Sarada to catch her breath. Something flashed from the corner of her eyes. A sliver of paper poked out of Karin's left pockets. She could make out some glyph parts laced around it.

A seal?

"Much better than last week," Karin smirked proudly. Sakura approached her with the same cube things from the other day. A glass of water sat next to the plate. Sarada reached for the water, holding no mercy for it.

"Some of those defensive moves weren't in your schedules though," Sarada glanced at her. "Hmph, leave it to Sasuke-kun to make such a smart and talented young lady."

"Where is papa, Sensei?" Sarada put the cup back and backed away from the cubes. Karin scratched her head, her eyes diverting away from the Uchiha. "Sasuke-Kun wouldn't want you to worry about him," She answered.

Sarada nodded as she assumed her stance. "Shall we continue then?" Karin once again attempted to attack her. Sarada dodged and began going on the offensive. She infused chakra into her fist and attempted to strike Karin's chest. Karin moved to the right, confused and shocked by the sheer power of the girl. Sarada swiftly retracted her fist, ducking down. Her wrist twisted into her sleeves as she scraped the dirt with her feet, creating a temporary distraction.

"When did you learn that level of chakra control?" No response. The dust cleared with Karin nowhere in sight. Sarada glanced in all four directions, hopping forward in time to dodge Karin's hands.

Before she could fully emerge, Sarada weaved through handsigns. Chakra gathered in her lungs as she placed her hands in front of her. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" A tiny ball of fire escaped her mouth, barely reaching the tip of her fingers.

Karin wasted no time in apprehending her, a triumphant smile on her face. "You've gotten stronger," She said, her smirk disappearing. "Sasuke will be pleased to know of your intelligence."

Yet again, Sasuke is mentioned. Hopefully, the seal could reveal something. Karin helped Sarada up, summoning Sakura to dust her off. "Ooo, I'm so excited!" Karin exclaimed.

"Sasuke-Kun will see how well I've taught you and have no choice but to marry me!" Sarada looked away, cringing. She didn't know what to say. Sakura checked her for any injuries thoroughly. Her hands glowed green, hovering over her left arm. A cold, soothing feeling seeped its way into her mind.

"How could you hurt her, Sakura?" Karin pulled on her pink hair, ripping her glowing palms away. "Apologize now!"

"She didn't hurt me," Sarada spoke. "It happened during the second round." Karin scowled at Sarada, narrowing her eyes.

She put Sakura down, dusting her hands. "Let's take five for the day," Sarada aided Sakura towards the step, gently setting her down in a more comfortable position. She ignored Karin's glare.

The redhead left without another word, patting her pockets. Sarada glanced in her direction. She stuffed the seal deeper into her sleeves. Knowing the seal was important, she would have to investigate somewhere discrete. Somewhere familiar without the distraction of ramen. Somewhere far away from Karin and Sakura.



A chapter! Yay! I'm not necessarily good when it comes to writing fights, but I'm particularly proud of this chapter (even though it was just training. If you can call it that). I think I'll try and gradually make the chapters longer, especially since I've been reading others fanfictions and see they write, like, 7500 words a chapter. Goals. But I know I have a lot to learn before I rival Stephen King, Isayama, some authors on here (Their work is so good!), etc.

To keep me motivated here's a question for you guys.

How did you get into Naruto/Boruto?

Sarada Uchiha: A Blossoming FlowerWhere stories live. Discover now