Is it how it ends

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I ordered his team to called the ambulance while I do CPR on him since no one was there to do it. Suddenly his heart stopped but I was too stubborn to believe I would lose him. I screamed on top of my lungs, "I'm not losing the man I love today, not like this," and that gave me courage. I put my all in, everything I've learned back in high school, he then catch a deep breath, and there was the ambulance around the corner. Even tho I couldn't go to the hospital and be with him I was happy.
He had a speedy recovery but I didn't hear from him until he called saying, " He's alright and I should come to his concert," I commented, " You think I would miss it." I was picked up by a car send by them and was invited to backstage where everyone was feeling down since they haven't found the shooter as yet but they love their fans too much to just no perform. I gave each of them encouragement quote that are based on each of them personalities.
They performance was so beautiful, everyone was being their self and not being the person everyone expected them to be. Their concert was over, sadly, and now I'll have to say goodbyes to them. They understand the room and leave me and ___ to catch up on stuff. I asked him, "Are you feeling better, is your skin doing fine," he smile at me and reply, "Yes my guardian angel." I couldn't help but to start crying thinking I didn't waste my time after all. He softly kiss me and I sunk into his arms. He gave me his room number and said I should visit him.
Once everything was over I went outside to drive home to get ready, but someone had other plans for me. I called ___ to tell him I'll be there in 30 minutes but then I was shot and no one was there to help me. I heard ____ screamed on the other side of the phone and said, "I should hold on he's coming" , I quickly said, "No!!, I don't want you dying" he didn't listen and headed towards me. Then I started to tell how much I love him and how I was crazy about him. I know my body and know I didn't have much time to live. "If I was asked was it life worth I would say hell yeah because yes I am your guardian angel, isn't that right Kim Taehyung," I said as I take my last breath.

Thanks for all the support I purple you💜

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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