The Queen and the Future Queen

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Everybody rushed to the room where Grandmama was resting.

        I called Vianne and Frederick on the way and they ran with us. We are surprised by the news and this somehow gave us the adrenaline rush to run to the medics.

        Victor carried Frederick and I carried Vianne. She was light and she held me tight while we run upstairs. The Reggia di Caserta was made with many stairs and many corridors. But we miraculously made it without any injuries.


        I approached Grandmama Agatha when I got into the room first. She is sitting down now and being checked by the doctor.

        When my Mom and Dad got here the doctor approached them and talked about Grandmama’s situation. I slowly walked to her holding Vianne next to me. My tears escaped from my eyes and it rolled down my cheeks with mixed emotions. When I approached her, she opened her eyes and it was filled with utter shock. My tears rolled down more and she was in tears too. Vianne pulled my hand and I carried her.

        “Geiyianne, is that you?” She asked.

        I nodded and smiled. “Yes, Nonna. It’s me, Geiyianne.”

        Her brows met and stared at my little angel in my arms. “I-is that your daughter?”

        I nodded again. “This is Vianne Eloine Victrithe, Nonna.”

        “Victor!” I turned around and saw Victor behind me. He was still carrying Frederick. My baby boy was blinking hard and I rubbed his cheeks. He smiled. Oh, his cute little smiles.

        “Your Majesty…” He muttered and bow his head a little to pay respect to my Nonna.

        “I thought you were in Denmark. I suppose you are here to retrieve your bride?”

        “Nonna, you shouldn’t be talking too much. Stay relaxed, Nonna.”

        “Oh, you little rascal!” I was taken aback with my Nonna’s words. Rascal? Me?


        “You were gone for five years, Geiyianne! And you show up and did not tell me that your baby is a girl!”

        “Nonna, your blood pressure…”

        “Ugh, do not mind me. What I mind is: you! You have not been careful on your first month, and don’t tell me you had some bleeding cases?”

        How did she know that?! I had bleeding when I was in my second and third month. I became more careful and surrounded myself with just happiness for the rest of my pregnancy. But I was actually fooling myself those times because I was not really happy; I still long for Victor.

        “I had. Two times…” There. I cannot even tell a single lie to my Nonna.

        “And why is that?”

        “Depression, said the Psychiatrist and my OB-Gynecologist.”

        “Depression? You should have gone back and not face depression itself. I was worrying for five years because of you, my dearest granddaughter.”

        My heart swelled when I heard my Nonna smiled for the first time. “You need not worry about me. I survived five short years, Nonna.”

        “It’s not short years, Geiyianne.”

        Mom and Dad have returned from the conversation with the Doctor. They stayed put beside her on the other side, Victor and I are on the other.

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