🕷Really, Parker? A spider?!🕷

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Ugh. I rolled over in my bed, looking at my window, realizing it was still quite dark outside. Who the fuck is texting me this early? I grabbed my phone, turning it on while being blinded by the brightness. My eyes began to water from the light as I looked at the contact name.


What the fuck are you texting me this early for??

I was just seeing if you wanted to go to Peter's house tomorrow with me because I know you have no friends to hang out with this weekend, calm your tatas.😀✋

Rat🪄 🐀
Lol, sure. I can meet you guys there, mainly because I'm going to be stopping by work after school to get my pay check.

Yuh, get that bank sis purrr💅💅💅💅💅

Wtf bro-

I turned off my phone and tried to go back to sleep, failing. I got up and looked at the time. My alarm read 4:37 am. I honestly didn't have any friends to hang out with. Im pretty sure it's because I talk a lot and quickly, I can never focus on one thing, I'm geeky and love Star Wars. Oh, I'm also the younger twin sister of Ned Leeds. That also might have something to do with it.

I went on YouTube and watched some video about a dude in red spandex, swinging from building to building. God that looks so fake.. watched for an hour and a half before getting ready for school. As I finished putting on my necklace, I head Ned knock on my door. "Y/N! Are you ready?!" I opened the door, nodding, and grabbed my back pack and phone. I plugged in my headphones and walked out of the house, only to be stopped by my brother.
   "Heeeey. What are ya listening to?" Ned poked. I showed him my phone and he just smiled. "Cool, cool." We continue to walk while Ned talks about random stuff. "I also got a new lego Death Star set-". I stopped. "You... WHAT?! Why didn't you tell me dude?! How may pieces?!" He smiled. "3,803. Pete's going to lose his mind!" I blushed at the boys name. I had the biggest crush of Peter but because he was my brother's best friend, I mean what can I do? I mean how can you not like him? He's kind, nerdy, smart, hot, and not to mention his aunt his freaking AWESOME!

    We were nearing the school yard when we spotted Peter. He was jogging so he wasn't hit by Flash Thomson. While we tried to keep up with Peter, he stopped at his locker, putting his books in. Ned put his little lego bro on Peter's shoulder and they began to chat. That's when I noticed Peter staring at something. I looked behind me and saw Liz Allen. The most beautiful girl in school. And his crush.. I roll my eyes and dive into my phone.


    Peter seemed to snap out of his gaze when the bell rang. We made eye contact as he turned to talk to Ned. I began walking to my first class of the day. I sat in my normal seat and grabbed my notebook opening it. Peter walked in and sat next to me. We sat in the back corner behind a girl named Katie and Flash. Half way through class, I saw Peter watching the spider guy on his laptop. The teacher called him out for not listening, however her was quick to respond with the correct answer. He turned to see the time and got back to his video.

      When the bell rang, I grabbed my things and bolted out the door to my locker. I switched out my books for my next class and tried to for get about what happened, but I couldn't. It was like that for the rest of the day. I avoided Peter for as long as I could for some reason. I still had to go to his house though.

     When the final bell rang, I left the school and went to my house to change into a bleach stained shirt and some shorts. I tied my shoes and headed to Peter's house. I called my boss and said I would pick up the check after my shift Monday. I climbed the ladder to Peter's room and realized Ned was already there, building the Lego Death Star.

After we had finished building the model, we heard his window being opened. We thought it was a burgaler so we froze only for Spiderman to enter. He walked on the ceiling and closed the door with his web. He hopped down and took off his mask. Oh shit...

Peter Parker was Spiderman....

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