9. Lizard

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I still couldn't believe it

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I still couldn't believe it.

Cassie had asked if I regretted the things that had happened between us. Of course, I answered her with a "no". I didn't regret it one bit!

More than anything, I wanted to do it again. And... we did. This morning. Although it was only a handjob today, it was perfect too.

I was falling so hard for this woman, I couldn't even believe it myself. I had never felt like this for anybody.

Presently, I looked at her as she tried to bang open a coconut. Every time I gazed at her mouth, it set my body on fire. Just recalling how those lips were wrapped around my dick was enough to make me hard again. Since our intimate hours, I basically walked around with a boner half of the time today, which didn't bother me as much anymore since she has seen it all, anyway.

Cassie seemed to find it amusing. Today, she had often teased me about it, calling me a horny youngster. And every time she did, I told her that she was to blame for being so goddamn hot. It was her fault I was in this constant horny state!

"You need a little help there, ma'am?" I asked, seeing her frustration when the coconut just wouldn't let her win. It looked so cute, I could look at her like this all day long.

"I thought you'd never ask. Took you long enough. Which kinda man doesn't help out a woman in need?"

"Men that think women want to be independent." I teased. "Come on, you don't need me."

"I do," she whined. "I need your brute strength for this."

I bit my lip as my eyes followed the contour of her curves, drinking in the view of her gorgeous body. "Oh? And what would you give me in return?" I dared to ask.

I wanted her touch on my skin again. And I wanted to touch her again too. So badly.

With my ex, it all had to be in the dark, because she didn't want me to see her. And that was okay too because I understood she was insecure and shy. But Cassie... Cassie was just... Cassie. And I fucking loved the difference.

"You can take a look at it," she said, pushing me away from her body and widening her legs. Last night I had seen little with the little light that came from the campfire, but now it was day, and enough sun rays were coming into the cave to give me an excellent view.

My heart was racing so fast, it almost escaped out of my throat when she spread her folds with her fingers and I was eying her most intimate body part, opening for me like a delicate blossoming flower. It was shimmering, wet, and a little darker than her legs. It was so hot.

"You're suddenly very cheeky, Max." She laughed, snapping me out of this morning's adventure. "And not that shy anymore." She raised a brow.

I smiled. "I was just teasing you."

"Hmm-hmm." She scoffed.

"Of course, I'll help you."

I stood up and smashed the coconut repeatedly against the rock until a crack was there and juices drizzled out.

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