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Meeting your ex-boyfriend, not even saying hello, you have to scold them ba?

It hurts.

It seemed that there were several sharp swords passing through his chest, piercing him through. The muscles all over his body are so sore as if they have been run over, and even the slightest movement can force the bones to scream.

The stars shifted, and the red color of the man's eyes was like a flame that was about to end.


Xiao Qingshan opened his eyes suddenly, his pupils were as cold as the permanent snow on the distant mountains, but at this time the icy snow was overturned, and there was only a river of flowing water, with undissipated chill.

When he woke up, he found that his head and back were against the cold wooden floor, panicking; one hand was against the bedside table, and the other was holding the fluffy pillow; the soft quilt hung from the bed to the ground, doing his duty. Responsibly cover the owner's legs barely hanging on the edge of the bed, revealing only a small section of smooth skin.

"The main task of this world: Counterattack of the study-slag." The system's inorganic voice came, "A sleeping position full of domineering spirit, is the beginning of the successful completion of the new task!"

(Xue Zha: study-slag, students who don't care about their score, don't pay attention in class, play a lot and get C or less.)

Xiao Qingshan: "Shut up, you."

He moved his aching arm awkwardly,and his elbow gently hit the side of the low cabinet next to him.

With a "pa", a thin book hit his face, and on the purple back cover are eight characters— 《Five years of college entrance examination, three years of simulation

(Although it may not look like it, but in pinyin it is eight characters)

Xiao Qingshan: "......"

Tucked his two legs, he sat up cross-legged with his upper body, diving tonthe sea of knowlege, flooding into the memory of the original body.

Rolling up the trousers of the pajama pants, on the thin and pale calf, there is still a little black green color-that is the trace left by the original owner of his body after jumping off the building and committing suicide.

Originally called Gu Su. His father's name is Gu Xuehai, and his mother's name is Su Liu. The two people's last name is a symbol of love.

But they finally divorced, and the symbol of love took on some irony. The original owner bears this name, just like holding a 800W large light bulb, emitting a dazzling light on the sunset love between Mr. Gu and Ms. Bai.

(Kinda like a third wheel/obstacle)

Xiao Qingshan stood up on his knees, and when he took steps, his legs still hurt a little.

He opened the door of the cloakroom and picked out a set of plain clothes-simple blue and white color matching, loose oversize design, embroidered LOGO that marked the brand's century-old history, which is now the most popular among students...

Jincheng No.1 Middle School Uniforms.

The national-level key high school uniforms and the guarantee of the enrollment rate, the students next door cried with envy when they saw it.


By the time he went downstairs, there were already three people at the table.The happy atmosphere fell to freezing point because of his arrival.

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