Chapter 8

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To say that everyone was shocked, was an understatement. During classes everybody was trying to get close to me and ask questions, just the basics though like 'Where have you been?' , 'How do you look so fitting?' , 'Is it true you got married to a businessman and went to another country?'

I'm always amazed by the power of rumors to have made up the last question. I didn't get to answer all of them but I made sure that the bizarre rumors were put to shame. Class carried on in the morning as usual, but what was interesting was when lunch came.

I had just finished gym, and what I loved about it is we were tasked to run laps around the track field. The coach ordered me ten more laps because I was barely panting (if he went through the hell that I went through he would know why). When I finished I was sweating now and I couldn't help but take off my jersey shirt and wring out the sweat.

"Oh my God, is that the Daneliya Walsh?" The voice was awfully familiar and I confirmed it when I saw an awestruck Connor.

I laughed, "Well don't just stand there, give me a hug."

He snapped out of his thoughts and jumped at me, which caught me off guard that we tumbled over. Connor was Lila's best friend first but he and I will always have that close friendship between us.

He pulled away from my chest, "I can't believe you're back! I missed you so much!"

We both sat up and I was still giggling.

"Sorry, family stuff. I'll explain later."

I didn't miss his eyes taking in my physical state then wolf-whistling.

"Damn, if I'd known you were going to be gone to get hot I would have joined you."

Same old Connor. He helped me stand up and I couldn't help but search for a particular someone he was usually with only to be disappointed because we were the only ones left in the field. Coach had just waited for me to finish my laps before he dismissed everyone so naturally I was alone in the tracks before Connor came.

I shook my head from the disappointment, "Why haven't you called me or anything though if you missed me that much?"

Connor's face fell, "What do you mean? I thought you didn't want us to talk to you."

I couldn't tell which of us was more confused.

"What? I never even sent you a text much less a call."

His eyebrows furrowed even more. "But..."

The bell rang from the distance which meant it was lunch time. Connor only shook his head and his goofy grin came back.

"How about you sit lunch with us? Colin's been pretty miserable without you, I'm sure he'll be ecstatic seeing you after three months."

My mind went reeling. I wasn't sure how I'd react seeing Colin after a few months of basically planting a forever grudge against him. But seeing Connors reaction now, there must be some kind of mistake. I needed to make things clear.

I gave him a nod and a smile before he ran off to the showers, excited for me to sit with them. That boy really had a lot of energy, explains why a lot of girls go after him, he was quite charming as well as handsome.

Just as I finished changing back into my outfit. I exited the locker rooms only to be faced with Lila's grinning face. I nearly jumped in surprise but she didn't care as she only gave me another bear hug.

"Calm down, Lila." I laughed.

She shook her head then pulled away, "I missed you so much. I don't know where you've been, or what you were up to. You never said a word, well I mean I guess you did but-"

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