Ch2. The Ministry Officials

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She was extremely exhausted by all the running and hiding. She closed her eyes and sighed. She thought "it's been an fucking year since the disaster hit and the rumors spread, yet no one forgot what happened. And why, why would someone frame me. I loved Harry as my friend, why would I kill the person whom I love. Hell I won't even kill anyone, I can hex them but killing them. How can they even think I've done tha-"

Her thoughts were interrupted by a sharp banging on her door, she knew who it could be, her cranky neighbors. But when she opened the door, to her horror she didn't expect this people who were standing on her door step, it was the ministry Officials.

Ginny was shocked, she took a step back and mumbled "h-how?"
One of the Ministry Official said "thought we couldn't find you? Well we found you. But don't worry darling, we won't arrest you, we don't have any evidence against you. We're here to let you know that The Ministry has decided that you will no longer live here, you've been banned from this Wizarding world. You have two hours to grab your bags and leave this damn place!"

Ginny got scared, she had no money, no food, nowhere to go. How can she survive like that. She pleaded and pleaded, she screamed, she screamed that even she is innocent why can't she live here. The Ministry Officials didn't bother and left the place and ordered to keep the place under surveillance for two hours.

She became devastated, she knew she wouldn't be able to do anything. So she gave up, she grabbed her clothes and packed them in a bag she reached for the bag which contained a knut or two. Tears didn't stopped running down her face, she took her bag and left the apartment, not knowing where she was going.

She kept on walking and walking until she reached the Burrow, she knocked on the door, Ron Weasley, her Older brother opened the door, when he saw her and with disgust he said-
"What are you doing here, you backstabbing rat!?" with that he was about to slam the door on her face but Bill Weasley, the second oldest brother among Weasley siblings stopped and came out of the house he knew why she was standing their, he rushed back inside their home and brought a box filled with bread and to keep her warm he gave her his coat.
He hugged her tight and said-
"I won't tell Mum neither will Ron I'll obliviate him. I'm sorry Gin, my hands are tied, I'm really sorry."
"Its alright Bill, I know you have a family, and a new member is on their way. Thank you, take care Bill, I can't be seen here. Bye.." Ginny wiped her tears and was about to leave when she heard Fleur shouting from the back.
"Gin.. Ginny, over here, take care of yourself. "
She looks back, smiles and wave at her.

So Ginny visits her brother.. Ron hates her.. wow girl you're living in a hell aren't you.
Anyways I wanted to say that after Ginny leaves the burrow she somehow reaches America, as she can't live in England. And how she reaches there, via ship. And why I'm not going to write it down because I'm lazy and my lazzyass Is not bothered much.
So the next chapter will start from what happens when she reaches America.

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