All Stories Start Somewhere

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AN: Hello World! My name is Nebby, if you wanna be informal (long story behind that name). I used to write Fanfic, but then I sorta spiraled out of it due to feeling bad about the quality of my writing. However I took a Creative Writing Class, and watched Video Lessons and so on. 

Now I'm getting into actual story writing. Even though my writing skills are mediocre at best, that's not the point. (Won't get better if I don't write at all). I am in the process of building a massive Original Universe that for the first time, in my countless story ideas, I feel is actually Unique. It's vast, and there is so much hidden and complicated lore. I'm putting some stories that take place in this world out there. 

I'm not too worried about idea theft because without the background knowledge I have it won't be close. 

Either way, this will just be a series of stories taking place within my universe. The first set will follow a two characters I made specifically for this purpose.

I can't promise a consistent upload schedule, especially since I don't have a computer to type on. (I'm trying typing out several K chapters on my phone, it takes a while, not even sure I'll be able to get chapters that long without my computer.) Not to mention, the last time I tried to keep a strict schedule it kind of fell apart. 

Finally, my main focus is not the quality of my writing (Though I hope that improves as I go on) but to share bits and pieces of the worlds inside my head.

Sincerely, Nebby.


Part 1

The crisp mountain air was refreshing, but chilling all the same. The light fog and setting sun falling past the peaks only further set the atmosphere of the Town. He loved places like this. Everything felt so natural, but his presence was not. 

The horse's massive hooves kicked up dirt with each step, trotting down the path. It was a massive beast, towering over everyone with a thick grey coat to keep it warm. Atelian breeds of horses were very different, large and furry, but they needed to be to endure the cold and rocky lands. 

The people of the town parted to let it through, or rather, to let him through. He was pretty sure they were more intimidated by him than a gentle giant of a horse. The deep blue coat served as his uniform, and the gold lace only further enforced his status. However what truly made people look on in awe was not his sword, but the Stamps and Quill upon his belt.

They signified Devyn's status as a Scribe, a High Ranking Meister at that. Which was why no one dared get in his way—rather annoying if you asked him. Though he supposed it could be worse. He could be dealing with punks trying to fight him left and right.

One would have to be a fool to mess with a Scribe, unless they had access to the powers of Script as well. If you didn't, well… you were in for a bad time. That wasn't even mentioning the political retribution that would incur either. Which was just another reason for Devyn to hate his job: Politics.

The mission he was on though? That was why he loved his job.

Helping people. One of the few tolerable things in this twisted world.

The small mountain village of Revis was nothing special, and they had little to offer him in terms of payment. It was those exact reasons Devyn took this job. Because no one else would do work for so cheap, and that meant they'd never get the help they needed. 

It was such an easy job too. Sprite Extermination. Even a rookie Scribe in training could handle it. But since the town was so obscure and hidden for whatever reason, no one wanted to go all the way out here. The townsfolk had probably never even seen a Meister like him before.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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