Chapter 30

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~~ Duncan's POV ~~

"Ummm... well...

No one knows exactly what happened. None of us were there until the very end. But, we know who happened. Remember Charli?"

Kim nodded.

I can't be assed to put it in speech, so ima do a flashback

~~ Flashback start ~~

I walked into the office. Lyla was off recording a few videos with Becky. Her channel was doing amazing. She had just reached 750,000 subs, taking over Kim. We (Lewis, Simon and I ) were about to start recording a new series, Deep Space Mine. But I had this feeling. Something wasn't going to go well today. Lyla told me the same thing. She said something about today just didn't feel right. I think the boys could tell. I was shaky and all over the place, unlike the usual up to speed, focused me. 10 minutes in they stopped. I was scared. I knew something was wrong. I had a gut feeling. Without warning, Lewis entered my room. "Dunc, what's up?" he asked, a hint of concern in his brisk voice. I couldn't answer immediately,  but within a few minutes, I took a deep breath. I told him. About the fact that me and Lyla had the feeling that today was going to be bad. That was when I realised. It was about a girl. Two in fact. Who they were, I didn't know. I told Lewis. Then, Lyla burst in. "Daaaddd?" She asked. 

"Whaaattt?" I asked, teasing and imitating her voice.

"I'm going to the cinema with Harry, K? Bye!" She ran out before I could answer.

I sighed and continued to talk to Lewis. Suddenly, Hannah burst in weeping. She pointed to the door. "Charli... Kim....Charli....Hurt...Kim" She managed to blurt in between sobs. I rushed outside, Lewis and Hannah following close behind me, slightly recovered from her crying fit. I saw a bloodied, beaten Kim on the sidewalk and Charli standing next to her, looking proud. When I rushed to Kim, Charli looked confused and almost upset. "What, she deserved it anyways." Charli muttered, shrugging it off. I was about to get up and wack her round the face before someone beat me to it. Hannah had slapped Charli around the face so her cheek was bright red, then she kicked her knees in to make her collapse to the sidewalk. "How do you like it now, you piggish bitch!" Hannah spat in her face. She wasn't crying anymore. Neither me or Lewis could or wanted to stop her. Charli deserved that, so very much. I cradled Kim closely in my arms. "You can't leave us now baby, I still love you, no matter what you say and I always will" Kim's eyes flickered open as 4 words escaped her lips. "I love you too". Her eyes slammed again and the paramedics took her away. I told Hannah to tell Becky to get ready, I was on my way to pick her up. Hannah obeyed me and whipped out her phone, fingers darting across the keyboard. I knew something bad was happening today, I just knew it.

~~ Flashback end ~~

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