A dream i had

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Her name is Maddy

Maddy pov
Payton is at the gym. I decided to take a shower. I went in the bathroom and closed the door. I forgot to lock the door. (Ooopppp). I get naked then turn on the shower we're it's as hot as possible. I get in and get my body wet and my hair. I just stand there thinking of Payton and his soft voice. I start to cry because I miss him. I then shampooed my hair still crying.

Payton pov
I get home and I hear the shower running and hearing crying. I go up the stares opens the door to here my baby crying. I get undressed I open the shower curtain.

Maddy pov
I turn around to see Payton. I cry even more I go up to him and hug him.

Payton pov
I feel so bad my poor baby. Are you okay mads.

Maddy pov
Yea I'm just really sad today and depressed. I just wanna cuddle today.

Payton pov
Sure babes let's go cuddle.

Maddy pov
I get out of the shower. I put some of Payton's clothes on and go lay in bed.

Payton pov
We get out of the shower I put some clothes on and run downstairs to get some snacks and pop. I run back up stares and hand Maddie her favorite snacks. I kiss her on the forehead. We fell asleep and snuggled the rest of the day.

Love you guys❤️❤️

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