Chapter 1: Hare Hunting

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Hello again!
This is the first chapter in my fanfic! It'll be a sort of "pilot" for it. I hope you'll like it!


Warner Bros. Animation Presents
Looney Tunes
A Bugs Bunny Cartoon

Bugs Bunny in...
Hare Hunting
With Elmer Fudd

Written and Directed by udel64


It was a beautiful day outside. Birds are chirping, the sun is shining...
...and guns are a-blasting!
Today is Rabbit Season, and many hunters are out for some rabbit pelt! And one just hunter is a dopey man who goes by the name of Elmer J. Fudd.
"Shhhh... vewy vewy quiet. I'm hunting wabbits. Huhuhuhuhuhuh," he whispers.
He's currently sneaking up on a rabbit hole, ready to shoot a rabbit. He puts his gun in the hole ready to shoot. But said rabbit came out of another hole. Said rabbit is none other than Bugs Bunny!
"Put youw hands up, befowe I pump you fuww of wead!" Elmer shouts. But the bunny was already out of his hole. Bugs then knocks on his head.
"Ehhh, what's up, doc?" Bugs nonchalantly says while chomping on a carrot. He then proceeds to kiss Elmer on the lips, prompting Elmer to spit. Bugs immediately hightails it out of there!
"Come back hewe, you wascawwy wabbit!" Elmer screams.
"I think I made him mad!" Bugs says.
Elmer shoots at Bugs, but the keep dodging all his bullets! Bugs then jumps into a tree hole. When Elmer looks inside, he gets a pie in his face!
"Carrot pie," Bugs states.
"Ooohhhh, get out of thewe, wabbit!" Elmer again screams, proceeding to shoot into the tree.
But Bugs was already on a branch of the tree, so he was safe. He then drops a anvil on Elmer, squashing him flat!
"Ow..." Elmer flatly says (no pun intended).
"Well, while you sit there in pain, I'll go bunker down in my hole," Bugs says, going into his hole.

Elmer, now no longer flat, walks towards Bugs' hole with a black bomb in his hand. "I'm gonna blow up that bunny with this hewe bomb, huhuhuhuhuh," Elmer says to us. He lights the bomb and drops it the hole. But Bugs digs up behind Elmer and places the bomb behind his butt, which him up instead! Which leaves Elmer with soot all over him and tattered clothes.

"Stop moving, so that I can hit you, you wascal!" Elmer yells, running and shooting after Bugs.
"Never!" Bugs yells back.
Bugs turns a corner, and when Elmer follows, he gets hit on the head with hammer courtesy of Bugs! Bugs proceeds to run away again as Elmer was gaining consciousness.
Elmer proceeds to run and shoot after Bugs again. He ends up cornering Bugs up against a tree.
"Ha! Got you now, wabbit!" Elmer gloats.
"Oh, no you don't, doc!" Bugs says, turning the barrel of the shotgun.
Elmer turns it back towards Bugs. But Bugs turns it again. Elmer turns it back, Bugs turns it again. Elmer turns it back, Bugs turns it again. They keep doing this until Elmer got fed up and decides to shoot the gun... ...only to end up shooting himself! And with that, Bugs digs away to his hole.
But Elmer turns the tunnel back and tried to shoot Bugs again! But thankfully Bugs uses a carrot he was chomping on to block the bullet and have it bounce back at Elmer! Which blows him up.

Elmer tries using a good ol' snare trap to catch the rabbit. There's a carrot in the snare so that Bugs can fall for the trap. Then, Elmer hears Bugs coming, so he hides. Bugs is whistling a tune while he walks towards the trap. He steps in the trap, grabs the carrot, walks out with nothing happening.
Elmer, flabbergasted, runs up to the trap. He looks at it, then steps his foot in it... ...which causes it to activate! The snare trap grabs Elmer by the foot and slams him into the ground with each swing.
"Ow! Oh! Oh! Ow! Ah!" Elmer screams with each swing.

Bugs is eating a carrot in his hole, when Elmer runs up to him.
"Wisten hewe, you wascawwy wabbit," Elmer yells at Bugs, "I'm gonna blow you to smitheweens for my wabbit stew, so how about you let me shoot you!"
"Ehh, listen doc," Bugs starts "I can't let you shoot me! You know, cuz' it's for my health! ...Obviously... I gonna stay strong, hop around like a bunny, eat carrots, you know."
"Well, I do know, but I gonna shoot you anyway," says Elmer, who proceeds to shoot Bugs, but it's actually a cardboard cutout of him with a target painted on his belly.
"Congratulations, doc! You win!" says Bugs, who lights Elmer a cigarette for him, which then explodes in his face.

Elmer is back at chasing Bugs again and shooting at him, now furious. They run in to a log, and back out of it. In and out, in and out. Eventually, Bugs pushes the log's side over a cliff, with Elmer in midair. When Elmer realizes what he's doing, briefly turns into a lollipop with the word "sucker" on the wrapper.
He runs back into the log, but Bugs pushes its other side over the cliff. Elmer realizes, turns into a "sucker" lollipop, runs back in. This time, feels for the ground, and he does, so attempts to charge outta there... ...but Bugs pushes the log again.
Elmer realizes, turns into a "sucker" lollipop, and falls down.
He lands on the ground looking very hurt. And furious.
"Oohhh, I quit! Hunting that wabbit is bad fow my heawth!" Elmer screams,
stomping off into the sunset. "I have stay stwong, exercise a bit, and eat wabbits, but I'm not gonna be doing any of those with that wabbit around!"
"And that goes to show you don't mess with Bugs Bunny," he says, whistling into his half-eaten carrot as marches to his hole, with an iris out accompanying him.

Looney Tunes
A Warner Bros. Cartoon
"Th-th-th-that's all, folks!" says Porky after popping out of a drum.

And done!
Well, that was the "pilot" on my first fanfic. Off to a great start, aren't we? They'll be more chapters coming soon, the next one featuring Daffy Duck and Porky Pig. So make sure you stick around for the next chapter!
And goodbye!

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