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This is just a one-shot, and it's only on Wattpad too. If I really want more Azula and Zuko sibling hurt/comfort, I might make a part 2.

I'm not sure how old Azula is when Ursa leaves, so she's ten. This is also a bit of an AU, because I want more Zuko and Azula sibling hurt/comfort and also cuz yes. Also Ursa never said goodbye to Zuko, she just left.

This is the drawing Azula drew

This is the drawing Azula drew

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Azula was so proud of herself. She drew herself and Ursa holding hands. She she stayed up all night working on it. Drawing was one of the only things she was bad at, so she wanted to be amazing at it. She refused to be a failure, like Zuko, according to Ozai.

Azula ran out of her bedroom, almost crashing into more than one servant, smiling wildly and waving her drawing around in the air. Ursa would be so proud of her.

When she got into where she could normally find Ursa when she wasn't with Zuko, she couldn't find her mother. Her stomach twisted into tight knots. Where was Ursa? She looked around the living room. Her mom wasn't anywhere here.

"Mom?" Azula asked, her voice shaky. "Where are you? I have something to give you."

She suddenly felt a cold presence coming from behind her, and spun around. It was her father, Ozai.

"Azula," Ozai said angrily. "Why are you looking for your mother?"

Azula shivered with fear. Ozai scared her when he talked to her like that. "I have to show her something I made." She was hesitant to show him her drawing, but he expected her to show it to him.

Ozai slapped it out of Azula's hands, and studied it. His eyes carefully examined each line, crayon color, even the style, and it was impossible to know what he was thinking.

What if he hates it? Azula worried. What if he calls me weak, for drawing that. What if he punishes me like he punishes Zuko? Her worries were only increasing. Once, Zuko drew the entire Fire Nation Royal Family, and he got severely punished. Ursa helped him afterwards, though.

"What is this?" Ozai asked coldly.

"I-I drew Mom and I holding hands." Azula stuttered. "I was gonna give it to her."

"Don't stutter, Azula." Ozai criticized. "It makes you look weak. So does that drawing.

Azula gasped sharply and felt like crying, but that would show weakness. She winced when Ozai continued.

"This drawing is terrible, Azula." Ozai sighed in disappointment. "There is no shading, and it looks like the artist has no artistic ability at all. I raised you better than this. I raised you better than Zuko. Besides, your mother is gone. Stop holding onto childish fantasies like this."

Azula looked away to hide her tears. "W-what?"

"You can hear me, right? I told you to stop stuttering." Ozai snarled.

"Okay, Father." Azula said only out of fear.

"Good." Ozai crumpled up her drawing and threw it into the fireplace, which was full of fire.

Azula let out a small squeak in protest when he ruined her drawing, but Ozai didn't notice, and he left quickly.

"No, my drawing!" Azula rushed over to the fireplace, and firebent some of the fire away from her drawing. She carefully picked it up, hoping it wasn't too ruined. Unfortunately, it was. All of Ursa had completely burned away.

Azula wiped away her tears, which were slowly falling down her face. Why was Ozai being so mean? She let out a small sob, but quickly covered her mouth in case someone heard her.

"Azula?" Someone said from the doorway.

Azula looked behind her, to see her older brother, Zuko standing there looking confused.

"Go away, Zuko. This isn't your problem." Azula sniffed.

Zuko didn't listen. He walked over to where Azula was kneeling by the fireplace and sat down next to her. "I know it isn't nothing. I saw Ozai coming out of here looking really mad. What did he do?"

Azula looked away. "He didn't do anything."

"You're crying. If Dad didn't do anything, you wouldn't be crying." Zuko knew her too well.

"Does it even matter? It's not like Mom can even help us." Azula huffed.

"What do you mean?" Zuko seemed genuinely curious.

"Dad said that Mom left." Azula finally broke, and cried into Zuko's clothes.

Zuko didn't say something immediately, for once. "Why?"

Azula shrugged. "Dad didn't tell me."

The two siblings sat in the room, not talking, but both crying. After ten minutes, Zuko decided to talk.

"Did Dad do anything else?" He asked.

Azula reluctantly nodded. "Yeah, he thought my drawing was bad and he threw the drawing into the fireplace."

"Can I see it?" Zuko asked.

She handed him her ruined drawing. "It's ruined."

Zuko frowned. "What did you draw?"

"Me and Mom holding hands." Azula cried. "I was gonna give it to her and she would be proud of me, just like she's proud of you."

"Do you want a hug?" Zuko said.

Azula nodded, and smiled when her older brother hugged her, so she hugged him back. None of them noticed Iroh smiling softly from the doorway.


Azula screamed when she saw what Ozai was about to do. He was about to scar Zuko's face with fire. It hurt to see that happen. Since Ursa left, Zuko and her had become better siblings. They spent more time together as friends instead of rivals.

"Azula," Iroh said as he placed his arm in front of her. "We can do nothing to help right now."

"But—" Azula tried.

Iroh shook his head. "We must wait. We do not want Ozai to be mad at the both of us."

Azula nodded, though she did not want to.

When Zuko was tasked to find the Avatar, Azula went with him. What kind of sister would she be if she didn't? 

Yeah that's kinda trash, but this is my first time writing ATLA fanfiction. Also my keyboard died halfway through this, but I'm not gonna blame the keyboard.

There's a small chance I'm gonna add a part 2, but maybe not.

Have a good day/night or time on an alien planet.

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