Chapter 1: The move from the isle to Auradon

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On the dingy and dirty isle of the lost across the ocean from the land of Auradon is the core 5 with the leader Evan, second in command Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos, all being picked to be moved to Auradon as an experiment to see what would it be like if AK's and VK's lived amongst each other.

This day was the most hardest of all for Mal, since she loved being on the isle it was where she knew she belonged, as of being the only child of the mistress of darkness, Maleficent but heck what else would u see, but fully innocent children of villains, but yet again anything could happen then before Mal could think of an excuse to tell her mum a horn beeped, the horn of the limousine that would take them to Auradon.

Mal's POV
Great not only is my life ruined but I have to move to a pretty pink princess school, ugh pls I'm a VK the daughter of the most darkest of all, but no mother wants me to go to Auradon, but she asked me to steal the wand pls if anything at least have some positive thing come from this, only then did I look out of the widow and see that the bridge had magical aura about it only then did we hit the other side and the move was nearly complete, Evan however was assuring me everything would be fine, and if it wasn't he would deal with the situation.

Evan's POV
Well ok more time is exactly what we need to sort these things out but luckily I'm the person for this job especially when the problem may lie right in front of us without us knowing, but a few seconds later and my time travel machine had a funny sound, was it broken or was it malfunctioning that was to soon be found out in the near future, and I was uncomfortable about all this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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