The Strongest Maid in History, Tohru! (Well, She is a Dragon)

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[3rd pov]

*19 years later*

It is morning. In a mountainous area, a green dragon wakes up and takes to the sky. In an apartment in the city, Miss Kobayashi wakes up promptly at 7AM. She puts on her glasses.

Kobayashi: Ugh... my head... hangovers suck...

Meanwhile, the dragon is flying over the city. It casts a magic spell; at the same time, Miss Kobayashi gets herself dressed.

Kobayashi: Uhh, cold.

The dragon, now flying undetected, passes over a square where two women are promoting a café in their maid outfits.

??? #1: Come check out Maid Café Cozy!

??? #2: Stop by and say hi!

The first maid hands fliers to two passers-by, as a giant dragon shaped shadow passed over the maids. Not a single person was confused or concerned.

??? #1: Good to see you at Maid Café Cozy!

Meanwhile, Miss Kobayashi, or simply Kobayashi from this point onward, puts down a jar of "stomach medicine" on her table after taking her dose. All the while a certain grey haired male with gold tips and gold spikes, was still sleeping on the couch.

Kobayashi: Man, my lower back hurts too!

Kobayashi walked to the couch and poked the sleeping male in the cheek.

Kobayashi: Y/n, wake up. You gotta get up, it's morning.

Y/n: Five more minutes mom, besides it's summer.

Kobayashi groaned and tried pulling, rolling and pushing him off the couch. Nothing worked, so she got an idea.

Kobayahi: Guess you'll miss breakfast then~

Y/n's eyes shot open as he instantly sat up with a furious glare.


Kobayashi smirked and Y/n calmed down. He smirked and softly slugged his hungover sister. Once up on his feet, he walked to the kitchen and quickly made her a on the go breakfast, as well as a lunch.

The dragon reappears in front of Kobayashi's block of flats. Meanwhile inside Y/n and Kobayashi are having a chat.

[Y/n pov]

Kobayashi: Running that new integration test should be a straight-up blast today.

Y/n: I could always put a curse on that boss of yours, give ya a break, I mean he's a complete dick.

Kobayashi: No you can't do that, we need to keep you from doing anything out of the ordinary.

Y/n: Yeah yeah. Wait what's that smell? Oh wait alcohol, ugh looks like I'm doing laundry again.

Kobayashi opens her door and is stared down by a dragon; she suddenly goes white. The dragon opens its mouth and roars. I quickly run over and look at what's going on.

Kobayashi: Huh...?!

Dragons, the most powerful of all beings. An imaginary creature that has giant wings for flight, possesses magical powers, and breathes fire. This is what humans thought of us at first, Kobayahi being the only one to know of our actual existence.

The dragon uses a magical power in front of Kobayashi and me, transforming itself into a female human, somewhat similar to how I'm able to transform between my multiple forms.

???: Hup. Ta-dah!

The dragon in her human form appears to be no older than a teenager, but has dressed up in a maid outfit and wears a double-pigtail hairstyle. Her dragon horns remain in place. She laughs happily. When she lands on her feet, her breasts bounce, I can almost feel Kobayashi growing slightly envious. The now human dragon girl's tail also remains visible.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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