Adrian/Chat noir

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Oh no! Plagg help me. Im making Marinntte so confused. I'm going on a date with her tonight, now she probably likes two guys. I wish I could reveal to Mari... ... You can't!... ... I know just let talk to her

I thought about it and maybe I should just let it be. I'll see her at there bakery tonight. I love her so much, but I think she feels more comfortable around chat then Adrian. But I know she likes both of us! I wish I could just tell her that Im Chat. I'll ask ladybug to ask master Fu. Wait, nevermind I'll have to ask ladybug herself. After everything that happened that day. I'm never letting M'lady down again.

Oh no... That's the other thing. I still have feelings for ladybug. She likes someone else. If I could only tell two people it would be- "Adrian! Where are you? We have to get to the dupen-changs for dinner.

He had forgot about that... He'll act as normal as he can be. But it was a date! How was he supposed to act normal? His father was probably only going to talk about how he has my "blessing in marriage." He said he really likes Marinette. I'm so sca- "COME ON ADRIAN! I NEED TO SEE- JUST HURRY!"

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