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"Chips Ahoy... Has a crush on me??" You breathed, eyes widening.

(Scrub Daddy's POV)

I was following Y/N and their friends at a distance as the classes all went to lunch. "Chips ahoy has a crush on you!" One of Y/N's friends said to them with enthusiasm. Ch...Chips ahoy?n
I stopped in my tracks and my eyes darkened, my smile fading away. "Chips ahoy, huh." I muttered under my breath and let out a sad chuckle. Chips ahoy was the most popular kid in the school. He was an athlete and was charming, handsome, strong, smelled good, hell probably even tasted good too. He had all the traits a girl would want. I sighed and put my hands in my pockets. I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Scrub Daddy? Come on why are you just standing there?" I turned around and faced the Koolaid Man. I managed to put on a smile. "Yeah. I'll be there in a sec. I need to go to the bathroom." I said and walked to the bathroom.

I sat down and put my hands on my head with my elbows on my knees. "I'm nothing more than a friend." I sighed. "There's no way she would ever like me back after hearing that dumb jock has feelings for them." I mumbled to myself. I kept ranting and ranting until all my feelings were piled away.

(Y/N's POV)

I sat down with my friends at a table and began to ✨feast.✨ "I am sooo jealous of you, Y/N! You have Chips Ahoy wrapped around your finger!" Pingu laughed as they took a bite out of a boneless pizza their mom packed them. I let out a chuckle, "Uhuh.. It does feel pretty nice, I guess." I replied. "So do you like him back?? You guys could be highschool sweethearts, and because you both are popular that would be an even better reputation on your image!" Robloxian leaned in closer to get an answer out of me, Pingu staring at me too. I cleared my throat, "Well before I answer that question, where did you find this information?" I asked, resting my head on my hand and ate annoying orange. "Spunchbop told us. You know it's kind of a big deal if he says anything." Pingu answered. I mentally facepalmed. "You do realize how dumb that sponge is right? He knows literally nothing. There's no way he would know if Chips Ahoy has a crush on me or not." I groaned. Robloxian did the 👉👈 thing. "Anyway, where's Scrub daddy?" I asked, looking around. "He just walked by. He went over to that table." Pingu pointed to him sitting alone. "Okay! I'm gonna go say hi to him real quick and come back." "Kay."

(Scrub daddy POV)

I walked into the lunch room and saw Y/N chatting with their friends again. 'I should go sit with them, Y/N is my only friend after all' I thought. I was going to go sit down with them but then I heard Y/N say something. "You do realize how dumb that sponge is right? He knows literally nothing. There's no way he would know if Chips Ahoy has a crush on me or not." A pang of sadness shot through my heart. 'Dumb sponge?...' I swallowed, 'knows nothing?'... I walked away. Did... Did Y/N just.. call me dumb? She was talking about Chips Ahoy too. I put my hands on my head and ruffled my spongey hair. I don't feel hungry anymore. I want to go back home. Y/N would never say that about me, right? Chips Ahoy must've changed them.... Right? I felt someone sit next to me.

"Hi, Scrub daddy!" A cheery voice spoke next to me. I turned my head and saw Y/N smiling brightly next to me. I didn't respond and ignored them. I felt so bad for doing so because then they proceeded to talk to me and try to get my attention. "Why are you ignoring me?" The ✨ gorgeous ✨ being frowned. I ignored them again. God, I feel so bad for ignoring them. But I'm just a dumb sponge, aren't I? "What's wrong?"
I sighed. "Leave." I whispered. "Leave me alone." I followed with my voice a bit louder this time.

I looked at Y/N through the side of my eye. They looked really sad now. "Oh.. Okay then. Remember that you can talk to.... Nevermind. I'll go now." They smiled and left. I knew that smile was fake I could see it in their expression. Dammit. I didn't mean to make them upset... Dammit. I looked at my plate of food and pushed it away. I'm not hungry anymore. I want to go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2021 ⏰

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