Chapter 4-Tam

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Come ON, Tam, pull yourself together. She is just a friend, Sophie is a friend. I keep trying to tell myself. But my brain..... it was a whole different story. It kept screaming flaming blond hair, chocolate brown eyes with glistening golden flecks that is as bright as sunlight (A/N Try rhyming. Does that help?). I am so lucky to have her in my life! I tried tried to press it down but still, no use. And I ended up believing it AND GET OVER MY CRUSH ON BIANA!!! Sophie replaced my heart. TAM! Looks like Tiergan says it's time for dinner. There is school tomorrow, so I can't stay up late.
I shouted "Coming!" Then hurried down the stairs.

I know, terrible story,right? If only I can write as good as Intense_Fangirling and Tam-is-my-song . *Sigh*.

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