part 2

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mia's pov

I walk in too school monday morning, I dont have any friends I never had, bc you see im not like other girls, im different, but its ok bc im really good in school and teachers loooove me so thats good. I think the reason I dont have friends is bc im shy.... I wish I was more like harry styles, he is so cool and have so many friends but im to shy to talk to him, he seams kinda dangerous.

as I walk to my first class I bump into someone

"hey there mamasita" says a dark deep maskulin voice, I dont know what to say...

"h-h-h-hey h-h-har-r-ry im sorry I did't see y-y-you" I hate my stutter but he is so scary!

"hey mia right?" I nod

"no need too be scared baby girl, girls like you dont deserve to be scared! okay?!" he says with is deep beautiful voice, I forget to anser bc im lost in his voice.

"ANSER ME WHEN I TALK TOO YOU MIA!!" he yells, I flich hard, I hate when people yells, It reminds me of home.. my dad is abuses...

"hey.. why did you flinch so hard?" he asks.

"I-i-i-i-i im sorry I got too go..." I run as fast as I can while I still can hear harrys voice booming though the halls...

(next chapter will be in harrys pov💅😏)

kajsa <3

a twisted love storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin