The Bird.

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There once was this bird called B. (Yes, the word B. It's kinda strange but anyways now we have sorted that out lets get on with the story okay?) B was a 'teen bird' who knew her way around the trees bushes ect. B was also a good flyer, she impress a lot of her fellow bird friends. She was amazing! She did; Loops, spins and twurls! Everyone was amazed by the beauty and the style that B was setting. Her life was perfect and her Mum glided her all the way. B felt safe when she was with her. 

One day B & her Mum went flying together for a bit of fun. When suddenly a big hawk swooped in and took her Mum! B couldn't fly by her own and started to fall! B was falling down to the ground and hitting herself againt the trees and bushes. All the places she was famillar with we're hurting her. B tried her best to fly back up but just couldn't her wing broke and she had scraches all over her. All the power she has felt she shouted "Tweet tweet!" As to say "Help me, help me!" B thought all hope was lost. Sure a few birds try to help her up but they gave up trying because they had so called problems of their own. 

Just as B was about to hit the ground a small bird fkew past. She was weak and just flew places to pass the time. Her name is, A. (Yes IK another strange name but just go with me on this one okay I know what im typing lul) when she saw B falling, she suddenly rushed to B, flying as fast as possible! Trying to pick her up. Trying to SAVE her life.

But since A was so weak and small it was hard to try to get her up back to the tree safe. Sometimes it didn't work, she just fell back down hitting trees and bushes, but not matter what.. A won't stop trying to get her save, and she KNOWS that one day, B will get back to the tree.. Safe and sound.. 

And finally, bring a sigh of relief.. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2015 ⏰

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