。・.*☆opportunities☆ .*・。

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welcome welcome welcome enjoy darlings <333

art by spiydee on instagram

*1st person pov*

it had been months...

months of loneliness, months of peace, months of bubbling anger towards betrayal.

yet i basked in the loneliness. i basked in the loneliness ever since dream left me for the dogs those months ago. sure, he and i were best friends at some point and things were happy. that is until more and more people joined the world. that's when he couldn't stand to be seen with me. something flipped in him and all of a sudden i was an embarrassment in his eyes. dream had always struggled with the idea of power and would do anything to obtain it. his twisted idea of it involved hurting me and then determining me as worthless.

now i live far away from all the action in an unmined section of the world. to ensure safety, i built my house underground and i only dare leave it at ungodly hours of the night. conflict was the ultimate thing i needed to avoid. for food, i'd make sure to not take a suspicious amount of wheat and would always replant others farms. cows spawned often but i would never hunt or cook them without double checking all of my surroundings. the only life i could confide in were my cats and flower garden i've practically perfected. it's also relatively mob free here, but the enchanted netherite armor and weapons i've gathered in secret are never too far away. who knows if dream could find me and start to.... hurt me again to put it lightly.

if i ever felt risky, i'd travel to the l'manberg ruins and run around under the glass. no one dares to go through what i believe were tunnel systems there. i haven't been involved with the action since newcomers started arriving, so i'm not sure exactly what they were used for.

it is a sad site to wander around in. i think that's why i love it so much. no one ever walks so close to the rubble that i'm guaranteed peace when i visit. ghostbur has paced through once or twice but the poor boy has amnesia from what i've gathered so i doubt he'd remember if he saw me keeping my distance.

one night, however, everything changed.

in a dark corner rarely walked by i noticed a sign promising wealth and security in a new country. it took me some time to understand the country's strange name, but i eventually muttered "las nevadas?" under my breath. little did i know someone was observing the sign they placed amongst the rubble.

as i continued to read through the poster, i noticed jobs needed to be filled and fun was promised. maybe i could actually do something useful and come out of hiding after doing it for so long. no one except dream knew who i was and i doubt this country is his style after all the conflicts he's had with past leaders.

as i was considering my new start, a voice called out from the shadows.

"You interested in Las Nevadas? It would be a grand ol' time."

"maybe. what would be needed of me there?"

"Well doll, you got some nice assets and I have a strip club with zero entertainment begging for you to perform."

ugh who has the audacity to say that and who is that mothefuc- wait quackity? he always intrigued me.

"i'm sorry, but are you quackity?"

he seems taken back. i don't think he was expecting me to know who he was.

"Uh yes I am. Who are you? I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting yet."

"i'm y/n. i've stayed far away from the action since um"

i can't just tell this man that didn't even know i existed until two minutes ago what happened between dream and i. who knows if he's on his side.

"since the beginning. i've been here for a while."

"Hmmm okay. Pretty face and pretty secretive. You fit my qualifications almost perfectly, but I need to know if you can actually dance."

i had never gone as far as pole dancing but it seemed manageable. it was an odd opportunity and i found it a bit unsettling quackity was waiting in the rubble for someone to see his sign, but fuck it imagine the money and the thrill of being a mystery to everyone that comes to watch me. i still needed some questions answered before i took up the job.

"i can, but i need to know i'm safe from creeps and that you're not associated with dream. for reasons i won't tell you just yet, i cannot work for him or anyone that associates themselves with him"

an unnerving grin spread across his face as my last wishes were told. either he's best friends with the guy or he hates his fucking guts. god how i hoped it was the latter.

"Lucky enough for you sweetheart I torture him everyday in prison and I will always protect you while you work under me as long as you don't deceive me."

he does WHAT and dream's where now?! this newfound safety reassured me, but i couldn't believe how much changed since he cast me away. serves the dumbass right, i'm sure he deserves both the imprisonment and the torture.

all i could do was nod back as i felt him intently waiting for a response. this'll take a while to process.

"Wonderful," he clapped his hands together. "If you could please accompany me to my country so I can see what exactly I'm working with and I can give you a brief tour. Don't worry you don't have to strip or anything, I'll just need to see some light pole work before I agree to take you in. If you're not perfect there's always a potion that can help."

he winked on the last part and i honestly couldn't tell if he meant alcohol or if he would literally brew a potion to make me a better stripper. either way i had a weird sense of trust with quackity. from what i gathered sneaking around during events, he always seemed like the butt of a joke and was never taken seriously. his new country would be a redemption arc for him and would hopefully help with mine as well. i was actually starting to get excited for this new journey we'd take together.

q snapped me out of my thoughts as he extended his hand to keep me close as we started the long walk to las nevadas. eventually the bright lights started to come into view and he flashed a smile almost as bright as them. it dawned on me how real this was becoming and how far from the home i hid myself from this entire world i was. welp i finally broke out of my comfort zone and here i was next to my new employer hand in hand.

boy will this be interesting...

1.1k words


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have an amazing morning/day/evening/night ilysm

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2021 ⏰

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