Chapter 2

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To be honest, this is my first wattpad story. So please excuse my inexperience; I'm changing the story from 3rd person to 1st person point of view. I hope, if anyone reads this, that you enjoy the story.

*mwah* kisses.

Getting out of Amber's car, I tried to catch up with her as she stalked menacingly towards Eric. At times like this I cursed my short legs in comparison to Amber's extremely long ones. As I started to catch up with Amber she had already stepped up to Eric, stopping him from walking, and was staring at him as if she were about to beat him into an early grave, at least that's what I got from her tense back.

As I got closer to them the first thing I heard was Amber telling Eric "Before we start with your amputation, I want to hear what you have to say about your little kissy time in the yogurt shop to Miya". By this moment I had come to stand next to Amber, at the same time Eric's face became to pale. After taking a moment to sigh and run a hand down his face he looked at me with a face. A face I could not really understand, I mean it was obvious that he was caught but he didn't seem to really care. He looked at me as if it didn't really matter if he was caught or not, but rather he was bored by the fact he was caught. Looking down at me Eric, with a bored expression, said "so do you want to break up or not."

Standing there I could not Believe that he actually said that to me. I was outraged, he didn't even care if he was caught or not. Perplexed I couldn't help but ask "why do it?"
At this, the side of Eric's mouth twitched into a slight smirk, and he said "because I could". After saying that he sighed and put his hands in his jean pockets, and look down at me as if he didn't have a care in the world. Before I could even comment, Amber spoke up in an irritated tone "so let me get this straight,you don't actually care if you were going out with Miya or not?" At this Eric turned his attention to Amber, with a shrug of the shoulders, he said in a condescending tone " obviously."

I personally could not even believe what was going on, and overall I could not believe I ever went out with such a person. I could do nothing but stand there and wonder where was the guy that I called my boyfriend. Was his entire personality a lie, did he ever actually like me. I couldn't understand why he would do such a thing. Standing there, staring at the guy I thought was my boyfriend, that I thought cared for me, I realized that I never knew him in the first place. I only saw what he wanted me to see, and I was flabbergasted. This man, scratch that he doesn'tdeserve to be called a man, this person did not care for other people's feelings; it was in this moment that I realized he deserved whatever Amber would do to him. And, with the tightening of my jaw I turned towards Amber, who was standing there shaking in anger, and said to her "I give you my blessings to castrate him, or whatever else you may have in mind because I personally don't care what happens to him."

Turning towards Eric, I couldn't help but shake my head. This guy, who I thought was my loving boyfriend, was never who I thought he was. Or rather I only saw what I wanted to see. Then, before Amber even had a chance to react to my last statement I reared my leg back and kicked him in the shin. Much to my satisfactionwhen my foot connected with Eric's shin he fell down to one knee clutching it.

Turning towards Amber and with a nod of my head I said "lets go to class." Amber, understanding that I did not want to be in Eric's presence anymore, conceded to my request. With neither one of us sparing a glance down at Eric while he gripped his shin in pain, we walked to our English class. As we walked into the English building, neither one of the saw the sad longing glance lingering on my back as the door from the building closed shut behind me.

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