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            After the defeat of Dr. Neo Cortex happened once again, Crash Bandicoot and his sister Coco raised triumphant as they celebrate their victory along with friends, Crunch Bandicoot, Tawna, and Aku Aku.

However Dr. Cortex is facing his own problems after his defeat of his big humiliation, he was yelled at Uka Uka and being ridiculed by him as well

"You are a embarrassment of all evil! You've failed me for the last time!! And have wasted my time!! I no longer need you!!!" He yelled in fury while Cortex was on his knees.

"Uka Uka, please give me another chance, so I can prove myself that I am worthy of your service" Cortex begged

             However that did not change his mind. "I've had enough of you!!, You are weak!, Pathetic!, A nincompoop!, And a coward!!" Uka Uka yelled as his fire breath hits Cortex's face

Cortex quivered with fear. Uka Uka thought how he'll punish Cortex as he grinned with an evil expression

       "This time I'll make sure you'll never get in my way! I'll find a way to stop those bandicoots!! Now all I have to do was get rid of the main YOU!!" Uka Uka laughed maniacally

He opens a portal to a new world, a new island

"Wh-What are you doing!! Pls no!! NOOOOO!!!!" Cortex yelled as he was thrown into the portal.

His mind and thoughts were spinning around quite almost literally as he was spinning, he looked around in a panic as he wondered where he'll go, suddenly a bright light was at the end as he fell onto something solid that knocked him out.


Meanwhile in a beautiful forest, there stood a figure who was watering their plants, they heard something near them and went over to see a baby bird crying for help.

    "Hello there little fell out of your nest?..." They said in a kind voice as they grabbed a latter and climbed up to the tree

They searched around and found the nest before placing the baby bird back to where they belong, the mother bird returned on time to feed the baby bird

     They got down and looked at their watch 'gotta go check on the formula..' they thought as they head inside and go into their lab.

There you are, that's you...

      You are a scientist living by yourself in a quiet forest filled by nature itself, you love all of the animals in the forest and understood the behavior they have

Your name is Professor (Y/N) (L/N), you are 27 years old, you graduated your university 6 years ago and have been working hard to help the forest and the animals within

Though it can be lonely but you didn't really mind it at all, you are working on a formula that could help the animals with injuries and diseases that could be a threat to them.

You have a test subject that was injured during a hurricane near where you lived, it was a mother opossum that had a broken leg and their tissue was ripped off by wood when she flew away in the air, the babies survived but the mother is in critical pain and she's unable to move

You walked over to see her, she's inside a sizable enclosure with a bed and blanket, food, and water, the babies are resting nearby because you couldn't separate them, "hi are you doing?.." you said as you pet her

The opossum doesn't react as she's too weak, she knew she doesn't mean any harm

"Don't worry I hope this formula will get you back to normal..." You assured her as you put the formula in a syringe before injected it into the mother's leg, you prayed hoping it'll fix her.

The mother whined in a pain but after a few seconds nothing happened, this made you sad to see her like this

"It's okay...maybe next time..."  You said as you got up and left her alone and write down on your journal

'Formula 36: I thought I will be close this time, but it didn't seem to make the effect faster than I thought...

I'm sure I'll get it right , but the good thing is that the mother is healing without the formula, she's able to drink the water just fine and the babies are healthy and happy

They are so cute!

End of this entry.'

You placed the journal down and went to your room, you sometimes wished someone will be there by your side, but you knew that wouldn't happen...

      But little did you know ...


Is bound to begin with it.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2021 ⏰

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