🥀Julian X Male Reader🥀

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>He/Him pronouns


At the dead of the night in the streets of Vesuvia, everything was quiet, except for the small yet welcoming bar known as " The Rowdy Raven ". Inside this hectic pub were people still dancing and drinking their souls away into the night. It was already past midnight, yet everyone inside this messy bar was all hyped up and having the time of their lives.

People were beginning to dance on tables as music circled around the room, the sound of laughter and cheers never-ending. Among those people dancing on tables was none other than own your boyfriend, Julian. He looked so drunk that you were beginning to worry that he was gonna fall off the table at any second, but even you were too wasted to even budge from your seat to do anything about it.

He saw your drunken state and laughed, slowly trying to make his way towards you without falling over. You couldn't help but laugh as well as you watch him try to walk over to you without looking like a drunk mess, he was wobbling all over the place like someone just busted his knee caps. As soon as he got close to you he wrapped his long arms around you, the smell of alcohol evident as he breathed closed to you.

" Y/N come join me and dance darling, you look so sad sitting alone over there... " he whimpered, nuzzling his face closer to yours as he spoke. You giggled at his drunken tone, trying not to laugh even more at his current state. " Fine, fine, but if I fall and break my back, I'm blaming it on you," you said teasingly. He chuckled at that, shaking his head as he did so. " Oh, but darling, you're not gonna fall if I catch you! " he grinned at you and winked, which honestly looked more like a blink because of his eye patch.

You laughed once more, rolling your eyes jokingly before turning your gaze back at Julian. " Come on then! Let's go have ourselves a real party Y/N " Julian still had a wide smug grin on his face, carefully pulling your hand closer to him and dragging you towards the crowd of people dancing on tables. As you got closer and closer towards the crowd, you started contemplating whether or not this was a good idea, but one glance at your gorgeous boyfriend completely made your mind more at ease.

Julian propped himself on top of an empty table, lifting you with him as the two of you laughed. You could already see Julian making a mess out of himself as he danced like a fool, you tried hard not to laugh but you end up snickering, he didn't notice this though as he was too busy having fun. You soon joined your boyfriend dancing, you looking just as a mess as he is, despite this, you were truly having so much fun.

You were laughing and smiling all over the place, many started watching you as you busted some moves. The crowd was memorized with how energetic and lively you were, soon Julian stopped dancing and fixed his gaze onto you. A smile of adoration and wonder was plastered onto his face, watching you as you dance the night away. It's rare that he ever gets to see you so happy and wild, he loved this side of you all so much.

Julian suddenly pulled you closer, completely ignoring the crowd of people watching you two. " Julian? What are you?... What? " you were too drunk and tired to make a proper sentence, Julian laughed at this, finding it adorable. He placed a hand under your chin, pulling you closer so that your noses were touching. " Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve you Y/N... Out of all the people in Vesuvia- " you cut him off, pulling him right into a sweet kiss. " I chose you. " you smiled fondly at him, placing a thumb onto his lips and slowly caressing them. His face turned a bright red, his body leaning into your touch as he moaned quietly.

A smirk formed onto your face, seeing him like this was one of the reasons you loved this mess of a beautiful man. He finally pulled away from your touch, something you could tell was difficult for him. " Y/N, words can't even describe how happy I am that my heart belongs to you my darling, your smile lights up the whole room, and the fact that you are my boyfriend... What did I ever do to deserve you? " you stared into his tired eyes lovingly, you felt the same way. " You deserve the whole world Julian, I love you so much " you grinned, placing one hand onto his cheek and placed kisses onto his other cheek.

He let out a tired sigh, his face flushing red again before leaning against your touch once more. At this point the crowd was practically gone, understanding that this was your moment and that the both of you needed this. " Now Julian, let's get home before both of us get too wasted to walk " you giggled, slowly lifting up your tall boyfriend. He seems surprised at this, darting his eyes to the ground then back to you then around the bar. You laugh even more at his behaviour before carefully stepping down the table and making your way out the bar. He wraps his arms around your neck, hanging onto to you close, his blush only getting even more noticeable as he nuzzles his head into the crook of your neck.

He kept whispering sweet nothings into your ear as your walked back home, you couldn't help but giggle at each comment. " You're so handsome Y/N... " " You're my angel Y/N " " You look so gorgeous my darling " the compliments were never-ending, but you loved it even if he sounded like a drunk mess. You walked into the quiet streets of Vesuvia, holding him close to you as you make your way back to the comforts of home.

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