Prologue: First Meetings

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AN: nothin ta say reely lol

Prologue: First Meetings

Sollux frowned to himself as he walked into the historic library near the school he and his best friend went to. He had been sent here because of a project he was having to do with the other in their History class, something about pirates.

With a sigh he went to the first isle he was near and began looking at the spines of each book he came across, hoping to find something.. anything about pirates.

It had been three hours and he had just about given up. Another sigh came from his lips, and he couldn't help but feel that sighing was becoming a bad habit as he pulled out a random book from the shelf to the left.

The wide violet eyes from the other side of the bookshelf surprised him as much as it surprised the starer.

HeroStuckDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora