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It was quiet. And dark. And Eris, had a throbbing headache. The boy curled up into his blanket, wanting some form of comfort. The withdrawals came back almost within an instant and oh, were they hitting hard.
Luckily though, Lucifer was very much on standby for when the human awoke. He was at Eris's side with a class of water and the medication he promised to give him too.
"I'm going to need you to take this Eris, then I'm going to leave for a meeting, and I won't be back for an hour and a half, okay?"
The demon spoke clearly and calmly, almost reassuringly. The human was a pain in the ass but he has to make this work.
Eris, took the pill, though it took some time. And while that happened Lucifer felt a sense of nostalgia, and that this has been done before. With 7 other little ones that he held dear to his heart, that he denies is big enough for every single one of them. But it's small enough to keep no room for this human.
"Thank you for taking it. I'll be leaving now, and I'm giving you the day off. Call me if you are having any troubles"
It pained the demon to say but he was the only one capable of keeping an eye on the human and not starting anything, so it must be okay for now. 'It's only for a short-while' the demon kept telling himself.

Eris, was once again alone in the house, with nothing but his now calming thoughts and, he realised that if he didn't get his shit somewhat together these demons are going to get fed up with him and take him out of his misery instead of sending him home.
He did remember his conversation with Leviathan but he can't remember if he was the one who said anything about the card being frozen.
Frozen? That means the card is on Lucifer. No... Eris, knew for a fact, that when you're trying to restrict someone from having something, you would have to make it a challenge for them to get to it, Lucifer wouldn't have that card on him at all.
"That scary fuck, put it in the freezer!"
Eris, practically ran to the kitchen, and made his way to the freezer, he pulled everything out, throwing it to the floor, until he got to the back of the freezer. And there staring back at him was a platinum gold card. Oh, how it's been so long since he's hold his own gold card too. He longs for the day he holds his own card in his own two hands.

This card was his ticket to maybe patching things up with Mammon, he had to get on these demons, good sides, so he at least lives longer and dies of natural causes (if you can even call ODing natural). This was just perfect, a ticket to making life here a little easier. And if he's made a pact with Mammon, he could use that to his advantage by using the demon as his own personal bodyguard around the other lesser demons who'll try eating him or hunting him for sport.

The human, put the enormous cube of ice holding the card in a large bowl and set a hand towel over it to at least hide it from sight. He was going to let that melt there, and continue to laze the day away by sleeping on the very nice couch, right in front of the fire place.

Oh, the couch was lovely, when he leaves this horrid place, he will be taking this couch with him, and putting it right next to his TV and custom made, 1 meter high Sailor Moon figurine. The boy dozed off, clinging to one of the pillows that usually rested on the couch.

".... !"
Who is that...?

Eris, sat up right quickly in a panic. He searched around him. But no one was there.
"Holy fuck, I'm becoming a schizophrenic, good thing I'm only taking the one drug now"

Eris, took out his phone, that he had in his pocket and saw only 20 minutes had passed since he fell asleep. It was a good nap. But the voice calling out his name scared him quite a bit, maybe he'll tell Lucifer when he gets back...

Suddenly a knock was heard at the door. It made Eris, jump by how loud it was. And it wasn't Lucifer either.
The boy hesitantly made his way to the door. He reached out to the door handle with a shaking hand, and once he opened the door to the tiniest gap. Eris, was greeted with the biggest smile that could put his little brothers to shame. The man behind the door was by far the most attractive man, Eris, had ever laid eyes on. Everything seemed to had just stop, and he could practically see the background start to blur and a beaming light start to glow behind the radiant man as he looked down at the tiny little human.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2022 ⏰

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