Chapter 1

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Calming sounds of the Soutern Serpent Strait made Kyoshi feel dozy. Rangi had chosen this part of the Earth Kingdom to spent their last few weeks together before Kyoshi had to go to the sages of her homeland and draw wisdom from their world perspective. It wasn't something she was too excited to do since most of those sages would use her Avatar status to solve some irrelevant worldly affairs, but it was something she had to do as the most important bender in the world. Despite, she already had spent most of her time in the Northern Water Tribe while Rangi was recovering. The world needed something right at the moment, and for Kyoshi it was to follow the cycle of the elements and visit sacred places of each nation. Earth. Fire. Air. Water. Respectfully.

Finally, she's got a chance to do something in a proper way. She seemed to be the most broken version of Avatar anyone could possibly imagine. Even though she was no longer questioning whether or not she was capable of bringing peace and balance to this world by her own means — thanks to Rangi and her inspiring speeches — a part of her mind was still convinced that there was at least one person who would manage all the political routine perfectly. Yes. There was.

It's been almost a year since the last confrontation between Kyoshi and Yun. Confrontation... A nice way of saying "killing a close friend who'd lost his way because of a misled guidance". His death was haunting both Kyoshi and Rangi ever since, but in completely different ways. Kyoshi was drowning in guilt for not saving her friend's soul, and Rangi was drowning in the disarray of thoughts.

It was hard for Kyoshi to tell, but something had shifted in Rangi's behavior. She didn't seem much different for the first couple of days, but when they moved to the Northern Water Tribe with Atuat to work on firebender's wound Kyoshi noticed how much time Rangi spent sitting by herself, looking pensive, as if she was trying to figure something out. Kyoshi was trying to bring it up during their shared evenings, but none points were settled.

Right now she was waiting for her firebender to set things up with Jinpa about their departure in a week or so. Kyoshi didn't want to interfere and decided to enjoy that peaceful atmosphere this place was emitting.

«Your pick,» Kyoshi said dreamily, «is amazing, darling.»

«I know.»

«Rangi!» Kyoshi almost jumped off the cliff «You scared me half to death.»

«I'm sorry! I didn't mean to,» said Rangi taking little gasps of air as she was laughing.

Firebender's cute little giggles wouldn't let Kyoshi fly into a rage with her, nothing in this world possibly could.

As Rangi caught her breath she let Kyoshi know that they were going to stay here for the next ten days, which meant they finally got a chance to be completely alone in just each other's presence. Young Avatar couldn't be more excited about anything in all realms. She and her personal source of light and warmth, just them two.

«Honestly, this place is so beautiful and secure, I wish we could stay here forever. How did you choose it? Have you ever been here before?»

Rangi didn't answer. Once again her face froze in this expression of genuine thoughtfulness mixed with something else. A doubt possibly? A fear to some extent?

«Rangi? What is it? Talk to me... Please. It hurt so bad watching you drift away and you are doing it again. I tried giving you space, as much as I could, but I can't just let you be wherever you are on your own. I— I am worried and—»

The storm of the words that Kyoshi just set free was gnawing away at her ever since she noticed all those changes in her partner's behavior and now it was said just to be interrupted by short laconic response.


Kyoshi didn't expect it to be this easy. Was she pushing Rangi too hard?

«After all, this is the reason why we're here, isn't it,» firebender continued in a lower voice.

«It is?»

«Yes. You asked why did I pick this place... Well, here I won my first Agni Kai.»

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