On one Condition

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I eagerly spent the week waiting it out for Friday evening, which was harder than I had expected.

It was Monday and I met Grace at the café at the usual time of 8.00am sharp.

"You look like you're glowing what the hell happened to you over the weekend?" I asked Grace, who was sitting opposite me, beaming.

She slammed her fists on the table in excitement and quietly squealed.

"I got a boyfriend!"

I spat out my drink.

"YOU GOT A WHAT" I wiped the excess coffee off my chin and saw the waiter hush me from the counter.

"Fucking hell don't sound too shocked" She said sarcastically.

It wasn't that I was shocked, but Grace wasn't the type to put herself out there. She seemed laid back and all, but it was obvious that she wanted someone to depend on.

"You know I mean it in a good way, so come on! Tell me who the lucky man is?"

"Okay don't go all weird on me..." she put her hands over mine.

"Shut up"

"Okay, it's Shaun"

"Shaun?! As in technical guy-who-came-to-the-shopping-centre Shaun?" I was leaning over the table at this point.

"Yes!" She started laughing and pushed me back down into my seat. "After that day we started talking and realised that we really liked each other! We went on a date on Saturday as well" she raised her eyebrows "All I'm going to say is he's a great kisser, although he doesn't look like it"

We both burst out into a fit of laughter. "Well" I said wiping the tears from my eyes, "I'm super-duper happy for you, you deserve him, you're both cute" I smiled and looked out the window.

I guess I was rather envious of her. She could choose who she wanted to date, and she chose the boy she liked because she wanted to; it must have been nice. Meanwhile I was stuck with a 21 year old perv.

I grabbed another coffee to go and walked outside, where Shaun was waiting for Grace. She walked out behind me, her face lighting up like a Christmas tree when she saw him and her cheeks going as red as a tomato.

"I'm going to walk with Shaun if that's alright?" She pouted as if trying to make me give in, although she didn't even have to try.

I raised both my hands "Don't let me get in the way of you two love birds" I winked at them both and walked the long way, I had time to kill anyway.

I pulled out my phone and checked my messages, 2 from Kane and 1 from Carter. I opened Kane's messages.

Message 1:

Hi, just reminding you that we'll be going out on Wednesday so make sure you have no plans.

Message 2:

Do you even read my messages? The last time you replied was about 2 months ago! I feel unloved.

Truth be told, the only reason I didn't respond to him was because of the mountain of texts I'd receive if I did, like where I was and such and I didn't need an over protective dad/boyfriend.

I clicked Carter's message, which had been sent about a minute ago.

Hey I got some time to kill before my first lecture, fancy giving me a call?

I replied

Sure, I have 20 minutes to waste too

I dialled his number and waited, organising my bag as I did.

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