chapter 6 : Born Evil

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Three more days passed and the maids were getting busier preparing for the wedding although the date wasn't confirmed they were preparing as if it's in two days wedding dress is ready the garden is now decorated with a small wooden alter with wooden chairs in front of it red and white flowers were placed everywhere everything looked beautiful and ready for the wedding except for the couple jimin and seulgi weren't there to keep an eye for the preparations however joohyun was the one in charge which confused taehyung she made it clear that she's against the marriage yet she's managing everything as if it's her own wedding however what was weird for him is the fact that yeri wanted to stay after she had fainted the last time recently she became quiet not like her loud self she'd sit all day in front of the window looking at the garden ignoring his attempts to talk to her he would catch her sometime glaring at joohyun hard she wouldn't even blink and he was worried that she's showing symptoms of depression he tried to make her talk to him by all means he even tried beating jungkook in front of her but it backfired when jungkook knocked him in front of her he tried making her leave the mansion because that was what she wanted but he was shocked when she talked for the first time telling him that she wanna stay and attend the wedding he had many questions to ask but she ignored him again he was beyond confused also his friend jimin disappeared after their fight at this point he doesn't know what is he doing here and what was his next step
"Does yeri talk to you?" he asked the lady he has a huge crush on
"not as much as her staring at me..why?" Joohyun answered him keeping her eyes on the flowers arranging them
"She has been ignoring me for the last 3 days.. I'm really worried" he sighed
"Tae you're always worried.. maybe she's just tired or wants to be alone for sometime" she averted her attention to him moving closer to him and circled her arms around his neck
"It's time for you to focus on yourself more and worry less..I hate seeing you stressed baby" she added looking at his eyes he blushed for the fifth time today she's been giving him more affection lately and he couldn't help but fall for her more he don't even know whether they are a couple now or just friends with benefits
"By the way..ehm what level are we exactly on right now?" he asked circling her waist with his hands
"Level? We're in the garden obviously?" She answered him and he didn't know if she's really clueless to what he meant or if she's playing dumb
"That's not what I meant..ah you see..I mean..are we exclusive now?..what is our relationship" he stuttered receiving a warm smile from her
"I don't care, I just wanna stay like this with you forever" she answered him before looking at the set of flowers being decorated around the alter
"Of course I'd be the happiest woman on Earth if we had a beautiful wedding like this" she looked into his eyes again " I'd be yours forever..but either way I'm just glad to have you by my side" her answer did things to him like magic suddenly a stupid thought possessed his head
"Marry me then!" He couldn't believe those words just came out from his own mouth he literally had a fight with jimin because he wanted to marry some girl he just met but ironically he just did the same, he waited for her to give a reaction she just gave him her same gorgeous smile
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" His friend jungkook yelling at a maid caught their attention
The maid was holding what looked like a goat skull with two big horns attached to it with foreign red letters written on it the skull was hollow from the inside in a way that it could be worn as a hat
"Are you deaf? I asked what are you holding!" He repeated his question
"Leave her alone jungkook it's for decoration" jimin showed up behind him for the first time today
"Decoration my ass I'm pretty sure these people are some sort of a weird ass cult..and who knows maybe you're a member too" the younger one snickered
"Cut the crap jungkook I already made it clear that none of you has to attend my you all can just get the f*ck off " jimin said annoyed
"You think I wanna stay and watch that freakshow? I'm only here cuz yeri wants to stay all of a sudden" he scoffed and looked at the pair watching them " here comes the other lovestruck moron" he went closer to taehyung "excuse me ma'am I'm borrowing hyung for a minute" he said dragging him towards the stable to have a private conversation
"First of all for how long are you going to be distracted hyung?" jungkook asked
"I'm sorry I just can't help it..I think I'm in love with her " the older one answered smiling like a fool
"Omg you're f*cked up! I'm talking about your freak excuse of a dad! The minute we came here you forgot why we were running in the first place..did you keep track of that old man?" jungkook said looking worried
"Oh right..d don't worry..he can't find us here"
"And why are you so sure?"
"I just..I just know" he sighed
" So what's our next move?"
"We wait until yeri gets better..and also make sure jimin won't do anything stupid..and we'll leave for good but..we leave with joohyun..I can't leave her here with her selfish sister "
"Yeah sure romeo why not.. I'm gonna check up on yeri" jungkook said before he left taehyung alone in the stable, he looked around the stable was strangely very big for only two horses he stopped to pet one of the horses when he heard a faint voice calling his name, he turned around looking for the source it came from behind the stack of hay the hay was placed in front of certain small area despite the large space it was concentrated in one place which made him curious he stepped closer and tried to move the stacks of hay to see what's beneath it, he found a small wooden door in the floor but it was locked his it made him even more curious he tried to break the lock without making noise untill he heard joohyun calling him from the garden he returned everything back in place hurriedly and went outside

1769, Spring

Everything was going great once again, seulgi was healthy the girls were playing together with their friend Heejin giggling and racing each other around the garden
"Sorry to interrupt you ladies but it's getting dark time to go inside" Heejin's mom told them she was like their mother she cared for them as much as she did for Heejin
"Ugh Can't we stay a little longer pretty pleasee" they begged her
"You can play as much as you want tomorrow come on" she finally convinced them they went in and she tucked them in and kissed them goodnight

4 hours later

Joohyun felt a sudden breeze from the opened window she rose up and went to look outside the window 'it's a full moon' she thought and went to seulgi's bed
"Seul wake up! Come on wake up Dad is here!"
The sleepy sister yawned before leaving the bed "do we have to go..I wanna sleep"
"Come on don't be lazy! He is gonna teach us a new trick tonight"
They sneaked out through the secret passage in the stable and went to the forest to their usual secret spot and he was there looking as charming as the first time she saw him a year ago he wasn't the kind of father that hugs them or tell them a tale before sleep but he was the cool father that surprised them each time with a cool trick and the fact that they could do all of his tricks made them even more excited to meet him every full moon

"And that's my ladies how you start a fire but be careful don't burn yourselves" he said smirking
"That's a bad trick we may hurt someone" seulgi said pouting
"Oh dear you're worried you may hurt people? But sweetie those people won't hesitate to burn you alive the minute they discover what you are" he said making the young girl tremble in fear
"I won't let anyone hurt seulgi! I'll burn them first!" Young joohyun said determined
"See seul why can't you be like your sister? Good girl" he patted her head
"Girls, From now on our tricks will get dangerous but as long as you stay together no one could harm you"


Many years passed the once exciting meeting with their father turned into something more dark and evil the once cool father was now their sinister master they need to obey or else seulgi will suffer he made them do all the awful stuff anyone could ever do while feeding on animals blood wasn't bothering them much the brutal rituals they had to do on the other hand was suffocating both of them
"Can't we just run away joo... let's go far away in a place where he won't find us" seulgi said crying
"If we do run away from him..will we be able to run from ourselves?..we are half demons seul! The minute you stop feeding your demon side will feed on your human will fall sick and who knows how bad could that end.. there's no way out of this seul..we were born to be evil we can't change that" joohyun said emotionless
"But we don't have to obey him longer! Remember he said we are free Once we reach our twenties..we don't have to hunt for him anymore" seulgi said
"Then what? Starve yourself forever! I will be okay since my demon side can't dominate me but what about you? You're a nervous wreck get yourself together " the older one spatted
"You're just like him..your human side is already dead you psychopath!" Seulgi yelled at her before storming off the room
Joohyun just sighed before sitting on the floor in the middle of a star shape inside a circle on the floor drawn by blood..not animals blood anymore
"for you seul, I made that deal for you years ago.. and if it means that you get to live I'm willing to take thousands of lives" she said to herself before closing her eyes and started to chant her little spell the circle was now surrounded by flames of fire she opened her eyes again and they were pitch black screams could be heard from downstairs she's going for a bigger target now trying the spell on 8 people in the same time and it seems like it's working her dad would be proud
Behind her stands yeri watching her memory in full hd as if she was there she didn't know if that was just a dream or she's actually showing her a memory she woke up suddenly panting she immediately went to the window and watched joohyun supervising the preparations of the wedding she now gets it maledictus geminos means cursed twins in latin joohyun and seulgi are half demons and obviously now they are their preys

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